let us all PRAY

Lets us al pray for the Family of Chirs Benuie
too me if you are that far gone why why why why why take your 777777777777777777777777777777 year old son too .

MAY THE LORD SAVE YOUR SON AND KEEP YOU IN HADIS BITCH fu Chris molde dad place the bible at there sides I give you the big F why why why you shoulde of just kill youre self

beaver out


In the resent events i iiiiiiiiiiiiii a WWE fan neverknew that he would have been able of this. Yes he was reborn butttt......... I still fill there is more to the motive.....H e loved his kids WHY????????????????? RESPECT is what he lived for buttt ..????????????????? beaver is stumped

Search Smarter, Not Harder

Here's a way to have Google help you find a certain file:

-inurl:(htm|html|php) intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size +([file_extension]) "[search_term]"

Simply use the string above, replacing the following:

[file_extension] with any file extension -- jpg, pdf, mpg, m4v ... and so on
[search_term] with a word you want to search for, such as naruto

For example, pasting the following in the search box in Google:
-inurl:(htm|html|php) intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size +(mpg|mpeg) "anime"

Will return you pages where there are mpg or mpeg files with the word anime in the filename. Try it!

Where's Waldo?

This is just plain wrong - a real live Waldo search. Further proof that some people have WAY too much free time.

Oh yeah, and the Rockies spanked the Yankees 6-1. That's two in a row. Hope you know where to catch the Ark ... just in case they sweep 'em.

The Seventh Sign of the Apocalypse

Prepare for doom. The Rockies beating the Yankees is pretty much the sign all have been waiting for.

I know the Yanks haven't been themselves lately, but still ... the Rockies. We will see how games 2 and 3 go. Here's the NY Times view of the game.

Gotta say this would normally make me happy anyway as I hate the Yankees, but to top it off, I got to watch most of the game from a NY pub. People were not happy because the Rockies are normally a pushover. Needless to say, I was cheering on the inside as I stand out enough.

Cool Picture of D-Town

Denver at night. I thought it was cool anyway. Not done by me, unfortunately. I must be missing home ...

Denver skyline by =gadgetsguru on deviantART

Traveling Man ...

Chicago this week, NY next week. Damn. Hot and muggy both ways.

Will post some more fun stuff later, but wanted to pop in and say 'howdy' to the Beaver crew. Rico - call me immature, but you and your splashing cracks me up and no, I won't grow up already. Heh heh.

I hope to get a chance to shoot some pictures while here, but that all depends on others unfortunately. Ah well. I have some reason to come back to Chi-town now, my dad is here, so that works too.

See you guys when I get back. We need to work on that day off thing we talked about.



It has been almost a month since my last post. and boy the BEAVER needed the rest .................SPLASH IN THE BEAVERS FACE.............. IT hit me hard on.... the knees you know ???? anyone .. now i am alone been there done that and didnot but the shirt...

muff about me soooooooooooo what has been going on? I know the METS are tanking hey I told you. never trust a BEAVER, or is that never unerestimate a BEAVER...

I have to go it is past my mimi time so i Love all .. So GOOD NIGHT

Beaver ... come out and play ...

It's all quiet on the Beaver front. Why is that?