What in the World is going on?

The Mets can't beat the lowly Nationals and the Rockies have won 9 straight. You heard me correctly. The Colorado Rockies. Yes -- that team. Looks like they might make things interesting at least.

All I can say is, thank goodness the sorry Phillies can't get their act together. Kinda sick really.

Just under a week left and we pretty much know who the AL teams are that are making the playoffs, but NOT ONE TEAM in the NL has so much as clinched a playoff spot. Weird.

Vote for What to Do with HR #756 Ball

In case you hadn't heard, Marc Ecko owns the ball and is having the public decide it's fate. To make your choice known, Vote Here.

Good Luck!

I like bananas and all, but um...

An artist wants to make an installation of a giant inflated banana, hovering over Texas.

No lie. You read that correctly. For more scoop, see for yourself.

Not quite sure what the message is and why Texas, but it is in progress apparently. This world is just to damn weird to look away sometimes.

Popcorn popcorn

what is going on ...
now you can get the big C from in haling the microwave popcorn fumes... no no not only that but a lady that worked for a movie theater for 25yrs doing popcorn developed cancer over the fumes. WE as a society need to stop Inhaling the fumes and wake up. The air we take in the water we drink the paper we wipe our asses with the clothes we where the car we drive the pen we use who Knows we are all going to become ex stink... the cavemen are making a come back and we are repeating history... the Ice age is melting and we are in different weather patterns. Things that make you say hummmm. ( Arsenal Hall )

Hey hey all

da Beaver
forgot his pdw (my past Drinking ways ) so that is why you have not hear the sweet nector of the BEAVER in a while... I am back I will memmber this time... too many pistals in the past. Floks I come to you clean AND ready for the world .. So what has been going on yes I heard through the vine that a so called BRITTNY tired to make a come back at the VMAS sorry girl but the beaver shot was sad enuff.. Oh yes I did go there. It looked like BEEF STRUGGANOF on the wall ......eeeeeeeuuurrrrruuuupppp.... any ways get off that and i mean get off or you are in trubble. K fade is laughing and that is wrong.you need adopt a pole dancer ..

Funkbuster Coming At Ya

Kinda in a funk today and I needed something to break me out of it. I know this video is a bit older, but if you can't laugh at this you shouldn't be breathing now. It always brightens my day ... like seeing a family of little people.

Here Comes Dr. Tran

Video Courtesy of YouTube, property of Lone Sausage (though I think a fan posted it).

Are you ready for some footballlll?

I know I am. It is about time opening night is upon us. And with that I would like to make my predictions for this upcoming year.

Afc Playoff participants

Broncos (wildcard)
Bengals (wildcard)

Broncos beat Ravens
Pats Beat Bengals

Broncos beat Chargers
Colts beat Pats

Colts beat Broncos


Eagles (wc)
Rams (wc)

Cowboys beat Eagles
Seahawks beat Rams

Saints beat Seahawks
Bears beat Cowboys

Saints beat Bears

super bowl

Colts beat Saints just look tonight's opening game.......Now thats what you call full circle

Get Your 80's On

Because Transformers was such a success, it looks like the 80's are being mined a bit for new movies. In the works ...

He-Man (Didn't we already learn our lesson with this one?)
G.I. Joe

Doesn't sound like any of these are going to be as great as Transformers, so
don't be shocked when they bomb. Here is an open letter to the writer of at least a couple of these.

I am SO glad that Hollywood can't come up with an original idea anymore
and so they have to raid the vaults of books, movies and cartoons. You
all know this is simply pandering to the same audiences that they tried
to bombard with merchandising during those formative years (namely
using many of the cartoons listed above).

Sure, we're all glad that they are making the movies they should have made 20 years ago, but it's so obvious they are just appeasing us for our dollars.

What's next? A Hulk Hogan and Friends movie? A Superfriends franchise? Any of the crappy shows and sitcoms from that time? You know you can't wait for Fall Guy: The Movie.

That "well" should run short in a hurry. Gives me hope that I can one day
put out my own movie. As long as I promise not to make another White
Chicks, of course.