In Honor of the Lego Anniversary

Today is the 50th Aniversary of the Lego Brick (yes, I saw it on Google damn it). If you were a kid and you didn't get the chance to play with Legos - even a little - that is a sad travesty.

It seems that some adults are still playing with them. Here is a couple of keen examples:

A working computer -

Van Gogh's Starry Night -

Some video as well ...

Enjoy! Happy Monday!

Friday Fun - Game Over

Yet another example of too much time on someone's hands, but kinda cool as well. Gotta be a fan of games from the 80's (think old Arcade/Atari games) to appreciate this.

Happy Friday!

I'm back boys and ghouls!

Sorry for not posting in a long while but but between work, holidays and birthdays been somewhat busy. But I will try to be back.

Let's see some things on my mind? hmmmmmm

1) well I haven't been this non-excited for a super bowl in well forever! Between this match-up and the piss poor excuse for good commercials last year, I just can't bring myself to get excited. 1 of 2 things are going to happen here. 1. Brady and company win and we will have to listen for the rest of our lives how they are the best team ever...far from it in my opinion. Or 2 Giants win pull the "greatest uset ever" yeah right...and another Manning wins which forces them to be in our faces for who knows how long....yeah sorry for not being excited about either possibility.

2)Directv customer service SUCKS! Anyone who knows me knows I have been a loyal supporter of directv for years, even backing them on message boards. But Now in the past 5 months I have had 2 very piss poor customer service situations with them and just may leave! No Sunday ticket for me??? eh oh well, maybe now I will try to figure out how sopcasts work and save me a couple bucks!

3)Being without Directv has forced me to use redbox....hmm nifty little service I must say! Sometimes not that great of a selection but at the same time there is always something for everyone! YAAAAAAAY for $1.00 rentals. And if you google redbox codes you can get free rentals too.

4)My Nuggets, Avs and Broncos are just straight underacvhievers with no depth and can't stay healthy. Oh well I guess these next few seasons will weed out the non fans!

Well thats all for now kiddies!

Until next time

Scare ya later!


Buckner Funken Jazz

If you haven't heard of Buckner Funken Jazz yet, shame on you. They're a local Denver band and you should try to catch one of their shows if you are in town. You will not be disappointed.

I actually took some pictures at one of their recent gigs (my friend Jason plays the drums) and I've posted a couple of shots on the Deviant Art page. Here is my favorite one:

Please feel free to leave a comment if you like. Thanks!

- Ken

Proof That Some People Simply Have Too Much Free Time

When you were a kid, did you ever watch a cartoon and listen to music? It's kinda cool how it sync's up sometimes. Well, if you have the resources you can make a mashup to et this effect too. May I present:

Spongebob does Soulja Boy.

Crank Dat indeed.

If I had the amount of free time it took to piece this together, I might actually run for President. Some people should use their powers for good and not evil.

Your Anime Lesson for the Day ...

Draw 'em big and bouncy. LOL. Not for the kiddies.

Some Friday fun. At least the song is a catchy tune even if it is in Japanese.

- K

AQR Down! WTF?

It's official - I have pulled down the AQR website. Welcome those of you who have been redirected here.

A quick explanation - quite simply, the site hadn't been updated in ages (for pete's sake, the splash page still referenced the Scavenger Hunt and we haven't had one in at least a couple of years).

Myself, Da Beaver and Mr. Scary need to regroup and decide what will come next. Needless to say, we need something a bit more dynamic. Maybe it just stays like this for a while ... who knows. Believe me, when we know, you all will too.

For now, the come here for all your AQR needs.

- Ken

Really? Google == God?

This was pointed out to me ... The Church of Google.

Seriously? A search engine religion? I'm dumbfounded ...

Those that know me, know I am a fan of Google. I'm about to be a bigger fan -- as soon as the EU gives the old thumbs up for DoubleClick/Google entity (what can I say, it affects me personally), but I am by no means ready to join the "religion".

Also, anyone that knows me, knows that religion (or the notion of someone else's ideal of organized religion) and I don't walk the same path (once again, affected personally).

I hope that this is all in fun ... if not, then frankly, I am at a loss for words.

Holy Ouch Batman!

Here's a cup check that won't be soon forgotten ...

Simpler Pleasures ...

I know this link is likely to make the rounds today (it was the 12th anniversary of the last strip yesterday), but I'm feeling a bit nostalgic in the new year.

The top 25 Calvin & Hobbes strips

Enjoy and Hope 2008 is a great year for you all!