Semi-Pro ...

I want to see this movie pretty badly. What can I say, Will Ferrell cracks me up. For some added fun, here is a look back at the ABA (ah, the old school days of the Denver Nuggets ...).

Some of you will remember some of this and some of you will simply laugh at the hair and clothes. Either way you win, I say.

Happy (Leap Day!) Friday!

To Much Free Time, Again

Since the last post was a bit on the 'deep' side, I thought I'd post another example of someone with too much free time. Apparently my new hobby is to find these kinds of things ... perhaps I have too much free time. Enjoy!

Guilty Pleasures

Who doesn't like an adult film? (I mean beside the Christian right, the state of Utah and other Puritans ...)

For me, it seems to be a bit more. The subject of the industry as a whole seems to hold my interest. Beyond the aspect of enjoying the imagery on the screen, some part of me realizes that these are indeed people and for some reason I am fascinated in their stories. Sure, there is the titillation factor (that's why we watch in the first place) but once you get beyond that, haven't you ever thought about what happens when the cameras stop rolling.

It might have something to do with seeing quite a bit of it as a teen, but I think some of it is purely my inquisitive nature. I want to know "why" someone would chose to make a living by having sex on film. The back story (even in a history class) has always been something I've sought out - it's always more interesting than what has been recorded for posterity. For me, I think the start of this was shows like 'Real Sex'. I mention this one in particular because to me it was always a show that insisted on showing sex as a natural thing, no matter how 'non-mainstream' others would consider some of the items presented. It was always a "naughty little treat" for me to watch. Ironically, I watched a new episode not too long ago (HBO hadn't shown a new one in years) and I felt it was boring and they had lost their touch. Perhaps this is a result of them opening some of the doors that were previously closed and now mainstream is a bit more broader than it used to be. Perhaps I am simply more informed than I used to be as a young adult. Also, it may be that reality shows like 'Family Business' that was on Showtime and 'Cathouse' on HBO have extended beyond what a 10 minute snippet on 'Real Sex' can show.

Not too long ago I read a book - The Other Hollywood: An Uncensored Oral History of the Adult Industry which was quite informative (from the mouths of those in the business, past and present) regarding the how and why the industry got started and has quickly become one of my personal favorites. This is a highly recommended read if you have any interesting in knowing the 'rest of the story'. Not all of it is a happy read and some of it is predictable (the Mafia was involved heavily in adult movie production ... who'da known? yeah right), but it is a good read. Some of the personalities also interest me - not really this weeks star, but more so some of the older stars. For example I recently was given (as a Valentine's day gift) Ron Jeremy's book - The Hardest (Working) Man in Showbiz. Gotta love that my wife gets me ... she knows I wanted that book for a while. He in particular is one that interests me because he is such the every man, but he's a legend when it comes to the Adult business. The sad part is that he so desperately wants to be accepted by mainstream Hollywood. I am looking forward to cracking that one open soon as well.

I am sure not many people share my interest in the subject, but I am hoping I've at least opened up some room for discussion. Had something on my mind and wanted to share.

Happy Monday!
- Ken

Super Tuesday Is Coming ... Do You Know Who You're Voting For?

For those of you who don't know which candidate fits your views best, there is VoteChooser!

Simply answer a handful of questions on your views and it will tell you who agrees with you the most. Takes the busy work out of actually making a decision! Now you have no excuse to be on the fence!

Do it now! Before it's too late! Hypno-toad demands it!

Wacky Freakin Football ...

Damn Super Bowl.

As much as everyone hates (or says they hate) the Patriots, I really think the Giants got lucky last night. Sure, they played a good game and I think the Pats underestimated them, but it all comes down to a fingertip catch. He drops the ball and that's the game really. Ah well, "Any Given Sunday" as they say.

I just wanted a decent game, and I got one. It was a boring one (all Defense) but at least there were a couple of lead changes.

The commercials, by and large, were utter crap. There were a couple of good ones - the Will Ferrell Semi-Pro/BudLight one in particular - but the rest were very "meh". Not an improvement over last year for sure. Guess when you are spending $2.7 million for 30 seconds, it doesn't leave much budget for creativity. Dear ad agencies, we want to be entertained. If you are going to have a captive audience, at least do something clever. Otherwise, why bother. No wonder I love my TiVo so much.