Father's Day was good ...

Let me just say my wife is awesome. She (and the kids) sent me an Edible Arrangement for Father's Day. It was something different and so damn tasty. I took a quick picture before digging in - check it out:

Hope what you got was just as cool. If not, I hope you at least had a good Father's Day.

They've Done it Again ...

Another great Orbit commercial. Check it out.

Whatever they are paying their ad agency, they are getting their money's worth.

Check your donkey door, indeed!

You Too Can Make Money from Facebook

Apparently, if you have lots of time and focus, you can make money on Facebook without even creating another annoying application. All you have to do is create a bunch of bogus profiles and makes lots of friends. And then sell them.

That is exactly what someone did. Read about it here.

Almost wish I thought of it first. There's lots of lonely suckers out there. Need proof? Just log on to Facebook or MySpace and take a look around.

One Missed Call review

Back with another kiddies!
Now I know I said I would stay away from bigger budget releases, but I sometimes can't resist...WHEN WILL I LEARN????
Now I will say there were a couple a good f/x, ok acting, but the actual plot and some of the happenings in the movie leave you scratching your head.
First off stop me if you have heard this sort of plot before....electronics can be the bearer of your death. Can anyone say Ring & stay alive just to name a couple of recent ones?
Now acting was ok, like I said f/x were nice, but come on! you get a voicemail from yourself with your last words? on top of that we have to assume that there will be a cop who was connected to the string of voicemails as well as he will let you just tag along to cool awesome places and break into homes with you. Add to that we are also forced to believe that whenever you get a death voicemail, video game, vhs whatever...that you are to follow this dark creature and it will lead you to safety not death. Oh yes but other believable parts are a college student has a very nice house that is not on campus, and someone who has seen 3 straight deaths in person and has a bad reason for them will never ever ever be named a suspect. Plus, all of this same town must have 1 cell phone to choose from, because they all have some awesome flip phones, no iphones or blackberry's or nothing like that for this bunch, just everyone with flip phones, sounds believable right?
1 thing I can say though, this movie did reiterate to me that evil babies, be it in porcelain, dream or real life form are AWESOME!
God why do I watch US remakes or big budget horror to begin

3 out of 10 stars