A few new shirts on the CafePress site ...

... all with a similar theme. Testing out a couple of ideas lately and, let's face it, some are naughtier than others. Click on the image below to order one today!

Feel free to look around the store while you're there. If you want to go to the main store page instead click here.

Thinking outside the box ...

I like Tiger Woods. I like to play the Tiger Woods games. Now, I like EA (the company that produces the games) even better. Or at least their ad agency. The person that came up with the concept of using a response to a video on YouTube to advertise their game should be given a bonus. The commercial is a little hokey, but the concept is great.

Check it:

Granted, some folks might have a problem with the comparisons made, but those who would take stuff too seriously. Really.

Yet Another Reason to Love Guinness

Their advertising has always been clever. But never this good:

I love it when people aren't afraid to amuse, even if it may cross someone's proverbial line. Have a good one!

- Ken