Japanese Merchandising

While searching for something else, I came across this:

Yep, that's a mousepad. I'm not sure whether to think it is clever or whether to shake my head at it, but I can't help but admire the idea behind it. Gotta love that it is anime and pretty much any male anime/manga fan from 13 to 85 will enjoy the novelty of it. Only the Japanese would have the balls to pull that off. Granted, ones made to show adult stars from the US can't be far off given the pervs that live in this country (us three included). I could easily see it.

I wonder if it's a silicone mousepad ... heh.

Somewhat related note, my new favorite Japanese word is oppai. You figure it out. ;)

Nostalgia - Broncos Style

Had a chat with a co-worker yesterday and I had forgotten about this ... I had to go find it, to share. Thanks goes to Brice H. for the reminder.

It's so bad it's good. At least if you are from Denver anyway. Quality isn't all that great, but (a) it is from the 80's so can't be helped and (b) I think it adds to the atmosphere.

Posting this for my peeps. Mr. Scary, Beaver - enjoy some nostalgia fellas!