Not much good news for the Mets lately, but here's something ...

Must be rough in Brooklyn if the Mets can't get Bengie Molina to be the catcher. Couple of decent pitchers took a pass as well. Ah well, I'm sure they'll have just as crappy of a season elsewhere.

Something else did catch my eye though, looks like the Mets are finally recognizing Dwight Gooden and Darryl Strawberry by inducting them into the Mets Hall of Fame.

Say what you will regarding the twists and turns their respective lives took, both of them were probably my most favorite players as a kid. Heck, I even had a funky stance in the batters box like Strawberry, which looked really awkward on a white kid with glasses. I know. Kids shouldn't idolize sports figures and this is probably a prime example of why, but what did I know back in the late 80's. I'm really glad that both of them seem to have their lives back on track. They both deserve the fan fare -- they did help win the pennant and the series back then after all, and both had decent careers as Mets. I'm even willing to forgive Darryl those years as a Dodger. Mr. Scary may not agree with me there though ... might still be too soon. LOL.

I'm not sure if I can get tickets and then I'd have to get a plane ticket and so on, but I would love to go see the August 1 game and ceremony. Anyone want to make plans to do it, should come see me. I am so down.

Anyway, enough for now, talk at you later.