Advice for my kids ... Part 3

I've decided that I may not remember all of the things I want to pass on to my kids, so it was best to at least write them down. Here is as good as any other place. Part 3 in the series ...
  • Learn to take a joke. Learn to tell one as well.
  • Know your strengths and weaknesses. No one can catch you off guard by pointing one out and you never know when you will be asked for them in an interview.
  • Like something because you genuinely like it, not because your friends do. That's how you end up listening to New Age music or becoming a Republican.
  • Smoking is a terrible, filthy and expensive habit. Don't do it. Seriously.
  • If you're going to sing along with a song, either learn the words correctly or do it when you're by yourself. For some reason, people get offended if you don't get the words right, no matter how hard it is to hear the actual lyrics.
  • Everyone has dirty or naughty thoughts. There's always the "right" time, the "right" place and the "right" person to share them with. Keep in mind that for best results to have all three of those right before sharing.
  • When no one is looking, dance to a song in your head.
  • Batting cages relieve a lot of stress if you imagine the source of your stress as the ball you're hitting.
  • Just because a book, song, movie, etc. is considered "a classic" it doesn't mean you have to automatically like it. Doesn't hurt to know what "the classics" are though.
  • Never enter into a debate without preparing first. Opinions become stronger arguments when you have facts and reasoning on your side.
  • Ideas can grow and change when you bounce them off other people. Don't keep them to yourself.
  • Always bring a notepad and pen to a meeting.
  • Try to have a good story to tell your grand kids on how you met the love of your life.
  • Appreciate what you have and don't stress over what you don't have.
  • Superstitions don't have any power if you don't believe in them.
  • Charm is an under appreciated talent. Not everyone can be naturally charming and some people try too hard to fake it.
  • No one says you have to wait until you're old or dying to cross things off your Bucket List.
  • Sometimes your words will be all you have. Once in a while they may be not enough. If you've learned to use them wisely, they will serve you well.
  • Don't make promises you can't keep. Trust is hard enough to earn the first time, let alone more often than that.
  • Don't underestimate the value of just being there for someone and listening to them when they need it. Don't judge or give advice, just listen.
I think I'll end this round on that note. Now that I've done a few of these, it's kind of cool to see them en masse. As always, comments/feedback are appreciated.

Christopher Titus Unauthorized Unreleased New Show

I love Titus and this appears to be some new stuff for him.

I call this a win ...