What on mr-scary's mind?

What is up my fans? I have a few things to talk about today.

1) GO NUGGETS!!!!! Talk about getting it right at the right time. Bring on Flop Ginobli, Cry Baby Duncan and the rest of the wussy Spurs.

Now of course Spurs will win the series behind the help of the refs who will award them around 45 free throws to Nuggets 15 per game, and we will have players bleeding with no fouls called while Melo and Camby will breath in the wrong direction and get a fould called, but I am now ready for that, as that is what the NBA has been reduced to.

2) Virginia Tech Shootings. My thoughts go out to everyone involved (except the pussy who can't handle things with himself only). So your having troubles, oh boo hoo kill yourself, not 32 other people with you. To make things easier go do it in a dirt field so we can just hose the shit down and be done with you. But nooooooo life is so hard you have to go and take 32 innocent lives with you.

3)On topic of the shootings......MEDIA SUCKS!!!! Stop blaming video games, movies and music. You think these kids are listening and watching bad mainstream stuff...come pay a visit to my house and I will show you REALLY disturbing music and movies! Maybe, just maybe, we can blame the pussy and those around him? hmm how would that be for a change?

4)Mets......uh guys you may want to wake up....October wont be a possibility with the crap you guys are calling baseball right now. Sure you are a game out of the best record over all, but the effort just doesn't look there to me! Oh well the Rockies are coming up on the schedule soon.....SWEEP!

5)Welcome Yolanda to the said Doubleclick/google family with Ken. I hope Yolanda has a better time at gooclick than she did at etoys. Dougle seems like a great opportunity to start a career at and lets hope she can gain some great experiences at Dubgoo.

6)While Ken is thinking of writing a book, I think I may be inspred to do the same. Only mine will be a nce dark piece about a haunted house owner who has "the goriest" and most life like haunted house around. The reason being? Some patron don't make it out alive and become part of the attracion.

Now of course the media wont like that and start blaming "mr-scary's vault of horror" the reason the next shooting is happening.


Holla atcha boy!

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