Too Much Free Time - Family Guy Style

Thanks to Mr. Scary for this one:

Good stuff!

Funkbuster - Latin Music Version

Was feeling like a little Ozomatli today and thought I'd share. In case you are not familiar, here is a video:

You should pick up their CD(s) if you really like this. Highly recommended and good music to make the day go faster.

The freak in all of us

Ken you are a freak and we all know it so next time the is a show i will call you and see if you want to go with hey I can get free ticks my sis has hook ups in the industry. the next vegas convention we are there all three of us, the TBR team ... did you miss me that much that you had to dump your dirty thoughts on us all..


Guess who ????????

oh yes ......
guess who is back and found time to check it out and say hay all....
IT IS ME THE BEAVER ,, this year has started out with a bang bang bang ( J. witherspoon) that is my boy check out the number one stand up comidian on dvd . I have been verry bussy and my fickin computer has been acting up.. I can use some help with my computer ..... plug ken I v u u know.. hey hey Who will i see at Monday Night raw may 26 I will be there repersenting AQR and The TRB .. now i must go I will post soon and soon

Peace the beaver

Today is a Bittersweet Day for Me

While I am glad to still have my job, a number of folks I have known for years now do not. Sure, now I am part of one of the largest online companies (I think you know who I am talking about), but it surely will not be the same now that I cannot share that with some people I have come to know and trust quite a bit.

This sucks. I wasn't directly affected and yet, I feel probably as crappy as any of them do. Perhaps it is because I have been through something like this before and I can understand. Perhaps I am just pissed at how the whole thing was handled with very little discretion -- hell even the online rags knew more than us employees did and certainly long before we were given any info.

I wish employees were treated like people (yes! we are people!) and not as commodities to be bought and sold when the whim strikes. Often enough, employees have about as much value as office supplies and that is wrong. I'm just thankful that we don't depreciate in value (at least as quickly) as the rest of a companies property.

Today will be a hard one to get over. But get over it I must. Ugh.