Oh, the things you'll see (on YouTube)

I this is how they taught English in schools, we'd reach more kids. Just saying.

Reality TV is a harbinger of the apocalypse

Let me say first that I actually like some "reality TV" - Ace of Cakes is one, Mythbusters is another - but by and large most of it is pure crap and more fake that a porn actress' chest. In fact, I often comment/joke that we love a train wreck so much (why else would these shows keep showing up?) that people simply aren't going to be satisfied until someone dies on live TV. I can't wait for the day that some TV exec thinks that actually making the The Running Man is a good idea. Good thing Jesse Ventura and Richard Dawson aren't doing anything, however they may have to wait for Arnold to stop being the Governor of California. It's coming. Just wait.

Think I'm wrong? Pay attention to how much CBS plays up the next time someone collapses on Survivor ...

This is not to even mention the lengths people are going to to get on these shows. If you're willing to break the law to get on a show, you're even more likely to do something worse to stay on it. There are no more boundaries at that point.

I was so glad to see I wasn't the only one that thinks things are getting out of hand, that I had to share. When I came across this today, it made me smile on a level that you may not understand. I am glad to know I am not the only sane person in a crazy world.

Good thing there is a sale on handbaskets, because we're all going to hell in a hurry. Some of us will just actually understand why.

Wind Chill

Since it's been cold as hell here in the Denver Metro area, the subject of wind chill has come up again. Making it a point to give two different temperatures - the 'official' temp is and what it would be if the wind is blowing - is silly and helps no one. If you tell me it is -20 with wind chill, that is the official temperature in my book. I am not a thermometer, so what it feels like to me is the correct temperature. If the wind isn't blowing, and it feels warmer, then I say that's a bonus.

By the way, how the hell do they calculate that anyway? I'm sure there's some jenky math that could be used to explain it or some fancy doppler based 'wind-thermometer' but frankly I think it is nothing more than a SWAG. Much like the rest of predicting weather. This is why no two newscasters have the same answer, and some are as much as 5-8 degrees different from others. Must be much like interpreting art - each person is going to see the same thing different a way, but no one has a solid answer.

All I know is I don't put much faith in it all, especially the concept of wind chill.

I'm sorry but this is funny as hell ...

The Beaver is going to hate this, probably my NY friends too, but I had to share.

For the Yankee fans, I know your team recently won the World Series and all, but it doesn't mean I dislike the Yankees any less. Sorry, there's no more room for me on the bandwagon (I'm not really sorry). After I saw all of the so called 'fans' come out of the woodwork, stuff like this cracks me up.

Thanks to The Chive for the image and the laugh.

The Actors on Family Guy are so talented ...

Yeah, I know, not a huge news flash but sometimes we forget the talent behind the voices. Saw this on TV last night, had to share:

Wrong, yes. Funny as hell, also yes.

Want an alternative to your regular search engine?

Been meaning to post these for a while ... been playing around with them both to see how much I like them.

I have two new items for you, one is a visual search engine and one will allow you to create a link for generating buzz on any topic you like.

First up is Spezify.
This is called a 'visual search engine' which means that the results come back in a more visual layout. This is actually really useful for pictures and video, both of which can be viewed without leaving the page. Includes Twitters too. You also navigate by dragging the mouse in a 3D motion. Definitely cool.

Here are some example results pages:
Olivia Munn
Venture Brothers

Next is Addictomatic.
This is kinda neat as it allows you to create a 'one-stop' page for any topic. The page contains multiple sources so you can have multiple links for your specific topic. You can then send this link out in a Twitter or as part of your Facebook status for example. Might also be good to see what others are saying about your topic. Seems useful either way.

Here are some example results pages:
V (as in the TV show)
Deviant Art

Feel free to let me know what you think about either of them.
- Ken

Is this a good use of resources?

A couple of weeks ago, I was out and about and stopped at a Target on the south end of Denver. While I was in the store a tops of 10 minutes, a cop came by and wrote a 'warning' note to let me (and the whole world too) know that my car could be a target for a break in. Apparently he was going from car to car in the parking lot and leaving a note for everyone that could be considered a potential target.

Not only is this a waste of time and resources in my mind, they are thoughtfully doing all of the survey work for those that would actually break in to a car. I am not kidding -- there is a spot on the mass printed form where the cop could list what would attract someone to my car. Real smart. Oh yeah, let's make this easier for crooks.

By the way, the reason listed why my car could be a potential target? I had cash in plain sight or so was the claim.

Want to know how much? About $1.26 in change, mostly in pennies. Really? If you need $1.26 in change that bad, then breaking into my car is the least of your worries. Especially when the car next to me has an iPod and a cell phone in plain view. Know how I know? I read the lovely note left for the owner on their car too.

Apparently they consider this a service that "sets them apart from other police departments", and say so on their site. I'd rather they actually focus on solving crimes instead of helping crooks by giving them useful information. Glad I don't live on that end of town ...

Sometimes you just need a laugh ...

There are a few web comics I review regularly. Penny Arcade is required reading, Sequential Art has also become a favorite but is likely lesser known. I recently stumbled upon a new one though that is actually quite funny, so I had to share: Least I Could Do. I have been enjoying it about two weeks now, but yesterday's strip had me rolling, likely due to my sick sense of humor. I could see myself saying something like that.

You should check it out. Let me know what you think.

Was Feeling a Little Nostalgic

Was trying to explain Tex Avery to my 7-year old and it made me want to go look for one of my favorites. Thank goodness for YouTube. Enjoy!

I don't know what is more awesome ...

... the fact that the person chose a hammer to assault (or worse) his friends or the fact that the police/reporter are trying to insinuate that it was spurred by Dungeons and Dragons. Really? I can't tell who is the bigger dumbass.

Read more about it here.

If we let them blame a board game for this (this involved adults for pete's sake, not kids) then it just opens the door wider for them to blame video games for crap like school shootings ... oh wait, I forgot, people already doing that.

Make them take responsibility and admit that they are fucked up and irrational and stop blaming unrelated crap to help you rationalize why the fuck someone would take a hammer to his friends. If nothing else, at least draw more conclusion that it was over a woman which would make MUCH more sense. Jeez.

I'm back bitches!

Alright football season is upon us, haunt season is upon us, and thus means Mr-scary is upon you! Lots of new exciting things going on and i hope to keep more active this time. Be on the look out for denver haunted house news, some great football takes (of course!), as well as some future projects that will possibly includse us 3 and others!

Follow me on twitter @thescary1 and say whats up to your boy!

Amazon Awesomeness

First of all, the item listed here is in a word ... classy! NOT.

Not only can someone procure such an item on Amazon should you like (you really can buy anything on the Internet), the reviews on the shirt are what make the effort worthwhile!

Check it out!
(Thanks to Bryan E. for the link!)

New Plan!

So yeah, not really getting what I want out of life lately (I mean creatively, not personal life -- I'm actually good there), so I have decided I need to come up with one or two cool projects that perhaps no one has thought of or maybe have but I could do them better. Not sure what that would be yet, but I will think of something (suggestions are always welcome, especially if you want to participate - I'll give credit where due, I promise).

At any rate, some of the inspiration behind this was a link I saw:

30 Album Covers recreated with Lego

Some of them aren't quite so good, but most of them are. Still I really like the concept and it's making me think of what to do next. :D

Happy (almost) Friday!

In case you wanted to know why they call him Mr. Scary ...

you know you all want to follow me! on Twitpic

Furthermore, here is his Twitter, in case you want to follow him.

I was feeling a little motivated ...

... and thought I'd share what I'd come across - a site full of those great (non-)motivational posters. A sampling below of some good ones:

Backup Plans
Your Boss
Rule 34
Extreme Chess

Feel free to look up almost ANY subject of your choosing here as well. Hope you become as motivated as I am now. Woo.

Best. Cartoon. Clip. Ever.

Requires the slightest bit of knowledge of band names, but this is one of the funniest cartoon clips I have ever seen. Yes, even better than Dr. Tran and this one is clean. Thank heaven someone was able to find it and post it.

I miss the Animaniacs. Some of the best writing and ideas in a cartoon - fresher than the Simpsons and more clever than Family Guy. Subtlety should never be underrated.

Japanese Merchandising

While searching for something else, I came across this:

Yep, that's a mousepad. I'm not sure whether to think it is clever or whether to shake my head at it, but I can't help but admire the idea behind it. Gotta love that it is anime and pretty much any male anime/manga fan from 13 to 85 will enjoy the novelty of it. Only the Japanese would have the balls to pull that off. Granted, ones made to show adult stars from the US can't be far off given the pervs that live in this country (us three included). I could easily see it.

I wonder if it's a silicone mousepad ... heh.

Somewhat related note, my new favorite Japanese word is oppai. You figure it out. ;)

Nostalgia - Broncos Style

Had a chat with a co-worker yesterday and I had forgotten about this ... I had to go find it, to share. Thanks goes to Brice H. for the reminder.

It's so bad it's good. At least if you are from Denver anyway. Quality isn't all that great, but (a) it is from the 80's so can't be helped and (b) I think it adds to the atmosphere.

Posting this for my peeps. Mr. Scary, Beaver - enjoy some nostalgia fellas!

Reference Material

Gotta love this comic. I imagine it hits a little too close to home for some. Not me of course, but it made me laugh out loud.

While you're at it, feel free to check out the past strips of that comic (hint, use the navigation arrows once you click the link above and see the one I pointed out). Good stuff!


... or better known as Buffalo Wild Wings, is hands down one of the best places to get wings right now. I know it is a chain, I know it is a bit gimmicky - I don't care. The only thing I like more than BBQ is wings, and they know how to do it up.

Went again last night. Traditional wings with Asian Zing sauce is the way to go, with some sweet tea and a basket of fries. Just saying.

Check it out or better yet, go to one near you.

Flo, the Progressive cashier

I'm sure you've seen the ads by now, some may even say that they've been annoyed by them by now, but you can't escape the overly enthusiastic character Flo. I'm sure you have said, "where the hell did this girl come from?" or "they actually had an audition to be that person?".

At any rate, little did you know, the actress that plays her has been around for some time. I noticed her in a small part in Mad Men, so I had to look her up. Her name is Stephanie Courtney and here is her IMDB page. Holy crap she's a busy gal.

Then I came across this gem as well ... a video of her standup routine:

A little rough, but entertaining. I love my comedians.

I guess the point here is this: we often see some character in a commercial as we zoom past it on our TiVos, often without a second glance, but we should probably remember them. They work almost as hard as any other actor, probably harder in a lot of cases, just to get a big break. Next time think about that when you catch yourself watching a commercial and hoping you had the remote in your hand to fast-forward. Show some respect and watch that damn commercial instead!

Well ... any of them except that annoying Geico commercial with the money and the googly eyes - go ahead and zoom past that, no one was working hard the day that was thought up. That's just plain creepy.

$240 Worth of Pudding

Thanks to Michelle A. for finding this gem for me. It's crazy to see that much of anything in one place.

Click the link as they have turned off the embedding.

Just Because ...

So awesome. And people worry about kids cartoons today.

Funkbuster: Stephen Lynch style

Just because ...

Happy Friday!

New Shirt ... with a Message

So, I have to say, I am tired of war.

We all know there is war in the world. Some of it has a cause, but most of it is purely political posturing. On top of this, Hollywood seems to think that people want to escape all the crap and the world and guess what ... see movies about war. What the hell? So, yeah, I am a bit over it all.

All this being said, here I wanted to say let's end war in my own way, so I put together a new shirt.

I call it 'End War 2.0'. It's pretty simple - black shirt with white letters, but I think it convey's the message. Also, it's a bit geeky, I know, but like I said, I wanted to say it in my own way. If you feel the same, order one today!


Have you ever been to the doctors office for a date????????????? not me but 2 weeks ago i went in with my son to stich up an accident he had at school.. there was this lady in the lobby putting on her make up , In my mind i was thinking that she has to go to work after this but,,, if my eyes and ears are bad and i had to get comfremation from my daughter. This lady was getting ready for a date. she had her kids occupided with Mcdonolds and toys but when the nurse was asking for her and the kids she said can you wait one min. i need to go out side for a bit .. .. She came back in with a guy.. the first kid went in for check up and shortly she came out to check on her son with the new guy... then asked AM I EVERYTHING YOU THOUGHT.... i was lmao inside.. that chick did not hook up here in the doc office ...........................

Music and Dave Grohl

I know what you're thinking, a 2001 clip on the Dennis Miller show, right. Dave Grohl - what the hell?

This interview gave me a lot of respect for Dave Grohl. The wife and I were talking about it the other day (it actually comes up quite a bit), so thought I'd find the clip for her (thank you YouTube!). The best part starts around the 5:30 mark when they start to talk about Napster and Metallica. Once again, respect I say. Enjoy!

P.S. - Jolene, I told you I'd find it.

Random Thought

Given that Americans are so much overweight and some 'fast food' companies are trying a healthier approach, you gotta like the chutzpah of Taco Bell when they rolled out the Bacon Cheddar Gordita Crunch.

I think their goal is to see how many items they can get on the menu that can induce a heart attack in one meal. Just saying ...

How Smart is a Smarte Car?

Saw one of these the other day and they get really good mileage (partly because they are so tiny, I'm sure), so I thought I'd check out their ability to survive a crash. Safety first y'know.

Here is what I found:

Not too shabby if you ask me. Granted, a Hummer rolls over one and that may be the end of that ... just saying.

Happy New Year!

Just want to wish The Beaver and Mr. Scary a happy new year. I look forward to many more posts from you both in the coming year.

And to the rest of you peeps -- have a great year ahead. Have a laugh, have a rant, but just don't have a bad day.

- Ken