Wind Chill

Since it's been cold as hell here in the Denver Metro area, the subject of wind chill has come up again. Making it a point to give two different temperatures - the 'official' temp is and what it would be if the wind is blowing - is silly and helps no one. If you tell me it is -20 with wind chill, that is the official temperature in my book. I am not a thermometer, so what it feels like to me is the correct temperature. If the wind isn't blowing, and it feels warmer, then I say that's a bonus.

By the way, how the hell do they calculate that anyway? I'm sure there's some jenky math that could be used to explain it or some fancy doppler based 'wind-thermometer' but frankly I think it is nothing more than a SWAG. Much like the rest of predicting weather. This is why no two newscasters have the same answer, and some are as much as 5-8 degrees different from others. Must be much like interpreting art - each person is going to see the same thing different a way, but no one has a solid answer.

All I know is I don't put much faith in it all, especially the concept of wind chill.

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