Oh, the things you'll see (on YouTube)

I this is how they taught English in schools, we'd reach more kids. Just saying.

Reality TV is a harbinger of the apocalypse

Let me say first that I actually like some "reality TV" - Ace of Cakes is one, Mythbusters is another - but by and large most of it is pure crap and more fake that a porn actress' chest. In fact, I often comment/joke that we love a train wreck so much (why else would these shows keep showing up?) that people simply aren't going to be satisfied until someone dies on live TV. I can't wait for the day that some TV exec thinks that actually making the The Running Man is a good idea. Good thing Jesse Ventura and Richard Dawson aren't doing anything, however they may have to wait for Arnold to stop being the Governor of California. It's coming. Just wait.

Think I'm wrong? Pay attention to how much CBS plays up the next time someone collapses on Survivor ...

This is not to even mention the lengths people are going to to get on these shows. If you're willing to break the law to get on a show, you're even more likely to do something worse to stay on it. There are no more boundaries at that point.

I was so glad to see I wasn't the only one that thinks things are getting out of hand, that I had to share. When I came across this today, it made me smile on a level that you may not understand. I am glad to know I am not the only sane person in a crazy world.

Good thing there is a sale on handbaskets, because we're all going to hell in a hurry. Some of us will just actually understand why.

Wind Chill

Since it's been cold as hell here in the Denver Metro area, the subject of wind chill has come up again. Making it a point to give two different temperatures - the 'official' temp is and what it would be if the wind is blowing - is silly and helps no one. If you tell me it is -20 with wind chill, that is the official temperature in my book. I am not a thermometer, so what it feels like to me is the correct temperature. If the wind isn't blowing, and it feels warmer, then I say that's a bonus.

By the way, how the hell do they calculate that anyway? I'm sure there's some jenky math that could be used to explain it or some fancy doppler based 'wind-thermometer' but frankly I think it is nothing more than a SWAG. Much like the rest of predicting weather. This is why no two newscasters have the same answer, and some are as much as 5-8 degrees different from others. Must be much like interpreting art - each person is going to see the same thing different a way, but no one has a solid answer.

All I know is I don't put much faith in it all, especially the concept of wind chill.