
It's funny, you don't know how bad the healthcare industry is until you have to deal with it. I recently had to be in the hospital and while I was appreciative of the care I got, it blows my mind how inefficient the whole process is. For example, every time there was a new nurse on duty, I got the same 10 questions and had to re-explain what was wrong with me. I mean, don't they write this stuff down? Don't they have all the information on a computer? I am all for not assuming with patients, but shouldn't you reserve that for the important stuff -- like what medication was I given an hour ago and not how many days was I ill before I came into the hospital? On top of that, some of the equipment being used had to be almost as old as I am. I don't live in some backwater town, they should at least have more recent equipment. I know they charge you $300 for a box of tissues - where does that money go really?

I know we have issues with insurances (thank god I actually have insurance!) but realistically, I wonder how much time and money is actually wasted that gets billed to the insurance companies. Part of the problem certainly is the antiquated system that the hospitals have become. I think we need to review how this can be more efficient just as much as we are reviewing how insurance companies handle patients.

I know a lot of people are not crazy about the government option, but perhaps now that they will be involved a few of these items will be questioned. Maybe not, but one can always hope.

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