Advice for my kids ... Part 1

Had this idea rolling around for a while and given that it is Father's Day, what better time than to kick this off.

I've learned some things from life and I'd like to share these things with my kids, but unfortunately they are too young to really understand or grasp them. By the time they get older, I imagine I will forget some of these things (or perhaps I'll get old and cranky so the views may change and become less relevant). So, I've decided to list them and here is as good as place as any. This is the first of likely multiple posts on the topic ... and away we go.

  • Speak your mind so that people know where they stand with you. However, keep in mind how you say something may be more offensive than the actual message you are trying to convey.
  • Always keep a sense of humor. Especially when things aren't going well. It will help with your sanity.
  • Don't care too much about what others think. It only leads to stress you don't need.
  • People who ask silly questions give you an open license to mess with them. Nothing harmful mind you, but enough to entertain yourself for a short while.
  • Most people are good. Give them the benefit of the doubt. Until they prove you wrong. And they will.
  • Forgiving and forgetting are two separate things. Always. It is possible to do one without the other.
  • Never underestimate the power of a belief. People are defensive of their own and will do whatever they can to change yours.
  • Never trust anyone who wears a bowtie on a regular basis.
  • Everyone has an agenda. It might be an innocent one or a small one or even with your best interests in mind, but they always have a some reason for doing or saying what they do.
  • You don't have to agree all the time with someone to love or like them. In fact, a little debate keeps things interesting.
  • Always hold the door open for a lady. Doesn't matter if she's 8 or 100.
  • Attitudes are contagious and misery loves company. Don't let others catch your bad attitude.

I think that's enough for now. Feel free to comment and let me know if you have some similar ones. Or if you think I am full of BS. Either way should be interesting.

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