Where My Ninjas At?

Been pretty quiet ... wondering what happened to the Beaver and Mr. Scary ... just saying ...

At any rate, came across a crazy video again that I hadn't seen in a while so I thought I'd share. Enjoy!

A Little Annoying ...

Someone made a reference to that song in the Karate Kid, near the end ("You're The Best Around ..." - you know which one I'm talking about) and now that god-forsaken song is in my head. Hopefully I have shared my pain. Heh.

On another note, in case anyone was wondering what to get me for Christmas, here it is. I know it's a lot to ask and I'm sure there is a deal on eBay or something, but it's all I have on the wish list.

Just thought I'd communicate it. :)

- K

Couple of Odd Stories

Happy Thanksgiving first of all!

Not much to add today, but here are a couple of odd stories to help you feel thankful for your current situation.

Not sure how true this story is, but this guy survived a two hour flight on the outside of the plane.

Apparently too much of a good thing does exist. Imagine having 200 orgasms a day. Sounds good right? Well, perhaps not - check out what this this woman goes through.

Some Friday Perking Up

A little something, something for the boys. Nothing too unsafe for work. Heh heh.

By the way, if you haven't already found this out, the British mens mags are MUCH better than you average US-based Maxim. Zoo is just one example (the site ain't bad either). Loaded, Front and Nuts are a few more. Of course, we got them on the more risque ones ... just one man's opinion.

Happy Friday, y'all

Bwah Hah Ha Ha Ha Ha

I can't believe Barry didn't actually get off the hook. I was almost swearing that he was going to get away scott-free. Kinda hollow though considering he will be nothing more than a DH no matter where he ends up (if anyone even wants him). They should have done all this before he broke the record.

Now, I am certain he isn't the only one that is/was on the 'roids, but he is what epitomizes how fake a 'hero' can be. Seriously. Kids everywhere have looked up to him (whether sports figures should be looked up to is another story - ask Charles Barkley) and for what - so they can learn that it's OK to cheat as long as you pretend you didn't know? Whatever.

This shirt by T-Shirt Hell gets funnier every time I think of Barry. It shows what a joke this has become.

My proposal: Instead of penalizing baseball players for steroids, we should make it mandatory for all players. Then at least the games will be interesting and there wouldn't be all of this nonsense to detract from the game. Although, there would be the side effect of those bench clearing brawls resulting in casualties, but that is a price I am willing to pay.

Odds and Ends ...

Greetings from the green isle of Ireland. City #2, in three days.

The Europe trip is going well - much has been accomplished as intended. Trainings and client meetings and such.

Some highlights:
- got to see London for the first time, it's pretty busy around town and you can get lost easily as there is no rhyme or reason to the streets
- got a MAJOR upgrade on the hotel room in London, cuz the early check-in wasn't handled properly (penthouse suite for the same rate as my original room - woo hoo!)
- traveling with a couple of really cool ladies
- made it to Dublin (easily one of my favorite places) in time to have a nice dinner and a pint of Guinness before it was too late at night
- most everyone I've met was excited to finally meet me (including someone I originally worked with over 4 years ago, when I first started at DC)
- some European clients that are excited about the new interface we have been working on for months and want to be part of the testing
- the room in Dublin is pretty nice too (hope the karma gods keep smiling)
- glad I didn't bring the film camera after all (that's it, I am officially going digital for real)
- going pub crawling with a couple of close co-workers tonight!

Some lowlights:
- haven't taken many pictures as I wanted since I have been working most of the time
- having to hustle to catch every damn plane since Denver (my outgoing flight needs to be better ...)
- the oddest flight attendant I have ever seen (a 6'6", 250+ lbs. male flight attendant with a definitely female haircut/do)
- my coworker getting stopped in security in Heathrow (while we are cutting it close for the flight anyway) because of a webcam that we have been using to record sessions with people
- looks like I missed a few co-workers by getting in late last night (ah well)

I will be home soon and as much fun as I have had, I can't wait. From the sound of it though, I may be back this way again soon. We will see.

- Ken

Come check out my new playlist

So umm yeah, I've been on imeem for a minute just listening, but now I have decided to start my own playlist. Som take a listen and please comment and let me know what you think..bad or good.

I am finacially secure! Finally!

Or so my e-mail keeps telling me ...

I swear, if I get another e-mail telling me I won the UK Lottery, I will go postal. Ugh. I've never had so much 'luck' in my life.

On a side note, I am going to London in 4 days ... perhaps I can collect my winnings then.

- Ken