Bwah Hah Ha Ha Ha Ha

I can't believe Barry didn't actually get off the hook. I was almost swearing that he was going to get away scott-free. Kinda hollow though considering he will be nothing more than a DH no matter where he ends up (if anyone even wants him). They should have done all this before he broke the record.

Now, I am certain he isn't the only one that is/was on the 'roids, but he is what epitomizes how fake a 'hero' can be. Seriously. Kids everywhere have looked up to him (whether sports figures should be looked up to is another story - ask Charles Barkley) and for what - so they can learn that it's OK to cheat as long as you pretend you didn't know? Whatever.

This shirt by T-Shirt Hell gets funnier every time I think of Barry. It shows what a joke this has become.

My proposal: Instead of penalizing baseball players for steroids, we should make it mandatory for all players. Then at least the games will be interesting and there wouldn't be all of this nonsense to detract from the game. Although, there would be the side effect of those bench clearing brawls resulting in casualties, but that is a price I am willing to pay.

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