Odds and Ends ...

Greetings from the green isle of Ireland. City #2, in three days.

The Europe trip is going well - much has been accomplished as intended. Trainings and client meetings and such.

Some highlights:
- got to see London for the first time, it's pretty busy around town and you can get lost easily as there is no rhyme or reason to the streets
- got a MAJOR upgrade on the hotel room in London, cuz the early check-in wasn't handled properly (penthouse suite for the same rate as my original room - woo hoo!)
- traveling with a couple of really cool ladies
- made it to Dublin (easily one of my favorite places) in time to have a nice dinner and a pint of Guinness before it was too late at night
- most everyone I've met was excited to finally meet me (including someone I originally worked with over 4 years ago, when I first started at DC)
- some European clients that are excited about the new interface we have been working on for months and want to be part of the testing
- the room in Dublin is pretty nice too (hope the karma gods keep smiling)
- glad I didn't bring the film camera after all (that's it, I am officially going digital for real)
- going pub crawling with a couple of close co-workers tonight!

Some lowlights:
- haven't taken many pictures as I wanted since I have been working most of the time
- having to hustle to catch every damn plane since Denver (my outgoing flight needs to be better ...)
- the oddest flight attendant I have ever seen (a 6'6", 250+ lbs. male flight attendant with a definitely female haircut/do)
- my coworker getting stopped in security in Heathrow (while we are cutting it close for the flight anyway) because of a webcam that we have been using to record sessions with people
- looks like I missed a few co-workers by getting in late last night (ah well)

I will be home soon and as much fun as I have had, I can't wait. From the sound of it though, I may be back this way again soon. We will see.

- Ken

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