Web Comic Goodness

So, one of the folks I watch on Deviant Art has a web comic. It's called Sequential Art and while it is a bit odd (at least two of the characters, sometimes more, are a cross between human and animal), it is pretty damn good. Some lowbrow humor, but damn it if we don't need more or that in the world today. Heh.

I suggest strongly that you check it out. There are 400+ posts, so feel free to peruse the past strips too.

Happy Saturday!

Rating Photos

I know that this is something that can be subjective to each individual, but someone has put together a site where you can rate pictures taken by other people (and posted on Flickr or Picasa). Including a handful from yours truly. :)

Go check it out >>> Goodshotornot.com

If you're interested in getting yours added to the rotation, you can do so via the following:

Picasa - tag/label your pictures with "goodshotornot" (without the quotes of course)
Flickr - you have to submit your photos to the GoodShotOrNot group

If you want to rate mine, go here.

I F#%king Shot That

Ok, so this is NOT a reference to the Beastie Boys movie of the same name. Nor a review -- I leave those to Mr. Scary. I just wanted an interesting title for this post.

Here's another picture I took with the new camera and I'm pretty damn proud of it:

If you click thru to the page, there is a download link where you can get it wallpaper size. Feel free to comment here too and let me know what you think. Thanks!

We so have to do this ...

Not quite sure where they do this, but I can't believe how many people are in this video. Keep your eyes peeled for a the full on rabbit costume, the gorilla outfit and a bear on a tricycle.

The AQR crew + big wheel bikes + downhill = fun like no other.
(Thanks to Clint for showing me this one!)

Movie Review: Fido

Movie Review: Fido

Hellllllllllllo Everyone. Todays review is on the little known movie Fido. Now when you think of the name Fido you think of mans best friend right? Well thats what you have here. A movie about the family pet. And of course not everyone in the family wants a pet, but the kids love to play with the pet, you have to go through the house training of the pet..yada yada yada you know the story and deal with pets, we've all had them.
But not like this you haven't! The world is being invaded by Zombies, and 1 company has taken upon themsleves to turn these zombie into house pets. Now don't leave me, sounds like a campy B movie that should be reserved for 3am on cable tv right? It's not! Sure you have semi mediocre acting, not the greatest f/x, plot not an A-list plot, etc etc etc...but this movie works! It's funny where it has to be but yet keeps the feeling of what will the zombies do next.

May not be for younger kids but most in the family could probably watch this as it is not over the top gory or scary. I mean come on, zombies as pets, a mom who loves the new pet and the pet who loves her back, dad not wanting the pet in the house, oh yeah lets not forget the part where the son loses track of the pet for awhile.
And with a catchy little tune that all the kids will be singing...through the heart and not the chest, headshots are the very best
I give this movie a 7 out of 10 stars....not bad for direct to dvd flick now is it? Now this is me. Someone not into horror, zombies, etc will probably be in the 5 or 6 range, but again...direct to dvd flick noone ever promoted...not bad at all!

Happy Mothers Day

Hey to all the Men In the Blog . Get your ass up and take care of your ladies It is mothers day SHe is the Queen 4 the day .. na mean

Random Thought

Is it just me or is it wrong to have a Chinese restaurant in 'da hood' with the name Ho Mei?

Just want to make sure I'm not crazy here ...

Best Commercial Ever!

I know people may not agree with me, but this damn thing makes me laugh every time. Some of the best writing I've seen in a bit.

All I gotta say is 'What the French Toast?"

Movie Review: Sweeney Todd

Hiddy Ho Blogarinos,
This weeks review will be the movie Sweeney Todd.

I was very hesitant going into this movie. I love Johnny Depp movies, I love Tim Burton movies, I love dark themed movies, I hate musicals. See the problem here? Going into the movie knowing full well what I was in for, I wanted to love it and wanted to give it a chance. But let me be honest, after 20 minutes I was just about ready to get up and turn the dvd player off.
That is where the bad part of the review ends. I really enjoyed this movie. The first 20 minutes was very much more on the musical side, then something either clicked with the movie or just myself but it got better and kept getting better. Outside of all the musicalness (I know it's not a word) of this I would say this was a perfect movie. Acting A+, Costuming A+, Editing A+, Musical score A+, ETC ETC ETC you get my point.
Who doesn't want to see a barber who slices peoples throats and dump them down a hole in his floor, only to have the bodies baked into some yummy meat pies from the girl who owns the restuarant below? I don't want to give anything away so I will leave my review only giving that away (but who didn't already know thats what the movie was about).
So if this moive would have been about half less with the musical parts and took that half into "acting" this movie would have been a 10....a 10 I tell you, but because the first 20 minutes bored me to death and there was still quite a bit, ready for it, musicalness, on the back half of the movie I give it a solid 8 out of 10 stars

Movie review: The Covenant

Alright boils and ghouls, I am going to start a weekly movie review. Most of these, in keeping with my name, will be horror movies and on top of that may be some most have never even heard of or have only seen the titles on late night movie channel guides. I will also review bigger name flicks as I see them.

So the first film to review for you all is The Covenant.

If you read the summary and such on your tv guide it sounds pretty interesting. A small group of kids (4 to be exact) are bonded together by centuries old witch spells and therefore are a "tight" group. Well then things happen, hot chicks barely dressed come into play, etc etc etc you know your typical pg-13 horror movie, then things go wrong. The new girl is liked by 2 of the 4, but she only likes 1 of them. The one she likes things the other is doing things to get her....you know like the typical sending darklings and such...well it turns out another new kid has these same powers but they dont know it until later. Well some power fighting here, fake effects there blah blah blah...new kid wants one of the 4 kids powers before he ascends to make himself stronger.

Sounds decent right......I mean for a late night horror flick anyways......well thats where you are wrong.

The reason the kid wants more power and is mad at the world????????

HE GREW UP WITH NOONE WHO KNEW WHAT HE HAD GOING ON......oh boo hooo hoooo the kid didn't know about the "group of 4" unbtil after he had hatred and a thirst for power...blah blah blah.....bitching here, moaning there...another fake cgi fight, and you have boy saves girl and all is well movie ending.


They had a decent plot but made nothing of it other than a cry baby mad because he had powers but didn't know why.

The effects made me think of a couple guys just getting there new computer programs and wanted to try them out on film.....thier "f/x" for fighting we nice power orbs they threw at eachother....nice and new right??? ugh! why the hell would witches have orbs of power they throw???

oh well... on a scale of 1-10 I give this movie 3 stars! Wasn't bad acting as you would think in a late night horror movie, like I said decent plot, and chicks scantily clad in a few scenes.....but it was pg-13 so don't expect much unless you are a 15 year old boy.

Well until next time kiddies keep that night light on, look in your closet before you go to sleep and don't forget to check for me under the bed!