Movie Review: Fido

Movie Review: Fido

Hellllllllllllo Everyone. Todays review is on the little known movie Fido. Now when you think of the name Fido you think of mans best friend right? Well thats what you have here. A movie about the family pet. And of course not everyone in the family wants a pet, but the kids love to play with the pet, you have to go through the house training of the pet..yada yada yada you know the story and deal with pets, we've all had them.
But not like this you haven't! The world is being invaded by Zombies, and 1 company has taken upon themsleves to turn these zombie into house pets. Now don't leave me, sounds like a campy B movie that should be reserved for 3am on cable tv right? It's not! Sure you have semi mediocre acting, not the greatest f/x, plot not an A-list plot, etc etc etc...but this movie works! It's funny where it has to be but yet keeps the feeling of what will the zombies do next.

May not be for younger kids but most in the family could probably watch this as it is not over the top gory or scary. I mean come on, zombies as pets, a mom who loves the new pet and the pet who loves her back, dad not wanting the pet in the house, oh yeah lets not forget the part where the son loses track of the pet for awhile.
And with a catchy little tune that all the kids will be singing...through the heart and not the chest, headshots are the very best
I give this movie a 7 out of 10 stars....not bad for direct to dvd flick now is it? Now this is me. Someone not into horror, zombies, etc will probably be in the 5 or 6 range, but to dvd flick noone ever promoted...not bad at all!

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