Movie Review: Sweeney Todd

Hiddy Ho Blogarinos,
This weeks review will be the movie Sweeney Todd.

I was very hesitant going into this movie. I love Johnny Depp movies, I love Tim Burton movies, I love dark themed movies, I hate musicals. See the problem here? Going into the movie knowing full well what I was in for, I wanted to love it and wanted to give it a chance. But let me be honest, after 20 minutes I was just about ready to get up and turn the dvd player off.
That is where the bad part of the review ends. I really enjoyed this movie. The first 20 minutes was very much more on the musical side, then something either clicked with the movie or just myself but it got better and kept getting better. Outside of all the musicalness (I know it's not a word) of this I would say this was a perfect movie. Acting A+, Costuming A+, Editing A+, Musical score A+, ETC ETC ETC you get my point.
Who doesn't want to see a barber who slices peoples throats and dump them down a hole in his floor, only to have the bodies baked into some yummy meat pies from the girl who owns the restuarant below? I don't want to give anything away so I will leave my review only giving that away (but who didn't already know thats what the movie was about).
So if this moive would have been about half less with the musical parts and took that half into "acting" this movie would have been a 10....a 10 I tell you, but because the first 20 minutes bored me to death and there was still quite a bit, ready for it, musicalness, on the back half of the movie I give it a solid 8 out of 10 stars

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