Been a while ...

So yeah, I haven't posted anything new here for almost a month. A drought like that happens from time to time, but I think this time it is because I am debating on moving this blog elsewhere. Partially because I think Blogger isn't as good as it could be (and others are doing this MUCH better than a Google company, imagine that) and partially because I seem to be the only one posting anymore. I'm not even sure if people are seeing this anymore as we get little or no feedback/comments/etc.

Nothing is happening at the moment, but if I do move this, I will post a notice and go from there.

Thoughts? Comments? Whatever's clever.
- Ken

September 11th

I think the lesson for today is to remember the power of a belief and to never underestimate how far someone is willing to go to prove they are right and someone else is wrong. Wars have been started, nations have been destroyed and life as we know it has been forever altered because of the power of people's beliefs. Believe in something, by all means. Having discussion and debate are great -- open minds and open hearts are better. You don't have to agree with everyone or change your beliefs, just allow others to have their own as well. Only through patience, tolerance and understanding will all people come to coexist. Love me or hate me, I don't care. Just understand me and know this is how I feel today.

It's Only Paper - Ozomatli feat. Jack Johnson HQ

Advice for my kids ... Part 3

I've decided that I may not remember all of the things I want to pass on to my kids, so it was best to at least write them down. Here is as good as any other place. Part 3 in the series ...
  • Learn to take a joke. Learn to tell one as well.
  • Know your strengths and weaknesses. No one can catch you off guard by pointing one out and you never know when you will be asked for them in an interview.
  • Like something because you genuinely like it, not because your friends do. That's how you end up listening to New Age music or becoming a Republican.
  • Smoking is a terrible, filthy and expensive habit. Don't do it. Seriously.
  • If you're going to sing along with a song, either learn the words correctly or do it when you're by yourself. For some reason, people get offended if you don't get the words right, no matter how hard it is to hear the actual lyrics.
  • Everyone has dirty or naughty thoughts. There's always the "right" time, the "right" place and the "right" person to share them with. Keep in mind that for best results to have all three of those right before sharing.
  • When no one is looking, dance to a song in your head.
  • Batting cages relieve a lot of stress if you imagine the source of your stress as the ball you're hitting.
  • Just because a book, song, movie, etc. is considered "a classic" it doesn't mean you have to automatically like it. Doesn't hurt to know what "the classics" are though.
  • Never enter into a debate without preparing first. Opinions become stronger arguments when you have facts and reasoning on your side.
  • Ideas can grow and change when you bounce them off other people. Don't keep them to yourself.
  • Always bring a notepad and pen to a meeting.
  • Try to have a good story to tell your grand kids on how you met the love of your life.
  • Appreciate what you have and don't stress over what you don't have.
  • Superstitions don't have any power if you don't believe in them.
  • Charm is an under appreciated talent. Not everyone can be naturally charming and some people try too hard to fake it.
  • No one says you have to wait until you're old or dying to cross things off your Bucket List.
  • Sometimes your words will be all you have. Once in a while they may be not enough. If you've learned to use them wisely, they will serve you well.
  • Don't make promises you can't keep. Trust is hard enough to earn the first time, let alone more often than that.
  • Don't underestimate the value of just being there for someone and listening to them when they need it. Don't judge or give advice, just listen.
I think I'll end this round on that note. Now that I've done a few of these, it's kind of cool to see them en masse. As always, comments/feedback are appreciated.

Christopher Titus Unauthorized Unreleased New Show

I love Titus and this appears to be some new stuff for him.

I call this a win ...

Wipeout - Big Balls of Fire

Because it's Friday and who doesn't like laughing at someone biff it.

Crash Kings - It's Only Wednesday

Advice for my kids ... Part 2

I've decided that I may not remember all of the things I want to pass on to my kids, so it was best to at least write them down. Here is as good as any other place. This is another part in the series.

  • Never be afraid to come to us with anything. No matter what it is or how old you are.
  • If the grass looks greener on the other side, be sure to look for the can of green paint.
  • If you have a question, ask it. Guaranteed at least one other person is thinking about the same question and is waiting for someone else to ask it.
  • Reality TV is just as scripted as a sitcom or drama. They just make up the details and dialogue as they go along.
  • You'll make lots of friends, but they'll really be more like acquaintances. Not all of these people will really like you or can really be trusted. Still they will fill a purpose for you or you for them. This is how the world works.
  • Never underestimate the power of an 'inner circle'.
  • There is no such thing as 'just the tip'. Ever. Not in money, not in icebergs, not in intercourse.
  • Never loan money to family. If you expect or need to get that money back at some point, then you shouldn't be giving it out. If they can pay it back, they will, without you asking. Or they shouldn't be borrowing it.
  • Learn to use your hands. They really are a useful tool. Especially in cooking.
  • Someone who argues just to cause trouble is never going to see your point. Don't argue with them or they win automatically.
  • Anything you do or say has a certain permanence nowadays. Not everything has to be shared with everyone and once something is out there, it may not be able to be taken back.
  • Read everything for yourself. You won't see things through other people's eyes and you'll be better off for the experience. Some books are great, some are not so much -- even if they are so called classics. It's best to read them all and decide for yourself.
  • Speaking of books, remember that the point of a book is to tell a good story -- a good thing to remember no matter what book you are reading. Even autobiographies and the Bible.
  • Everyone has problems. We're all human. Yes, especially people with money. It's how you handle those problems that matters.
  • Mind your own house before paying attention to what others are doing.
That should be enough for this installment. I'll have more again soon. Feel free to comment or give feedback.

Travie McCoy: Billionaire ft. Bruno Mars

I actually really like this song. Don't hate.

Random Thought - Family Guy edition

Hands down, I think one of the funniest Family Guy clips is probably one of the most subtle ones and likely not everyone else's favorite. Here's the premise:

Peter comes across some protesters with 'Free Tibet' signs. He runs up to one and say's "I'll take it!" and then immediately runs to a phone booth. He dials a number and and says "Hello China? ... I have something you may want ... that's right, all the tea."

It's a well written joke that guaranteed, went over the heads of MANY people. Yet it makes me crack up, even playing it in my own head. Is that wrong? Is it too soon? Probably on both ... that's what makes it funny.

Go look it up or watch the episode it's on. If you don't get it, try reading something other than TMZ once in  while.

Bonus: 500 Internet points if you can find a GOOD clip of it (please share if you do).

(I can't find a good clip of this one on YouTube, but had to share since it was in my head ...)

Advice for my kids ... Part 1

Had this idea rolling around for a while and given that it is Father's Day, what better time than to kick this off.

I've learned some things from life and I'd like to share these things with my kids, but unfortunately they are too young to really understand or grasp them. By the time they get older, I imagine I will forget some of these things (or perhaps I'll get old and cranky so the views may change and become less relevant). So, I've decided to list them and here is as good as place as any. This is the first of likely multiple posts on the topic ... and away we go.

  • Speak your mind so that people know where they stand with you. However, keep in mind how you say something may be more offensive than the actual message you are trying to convey.
  • Always keep a sense of humor. Especially when things aren't going well. It will help with your sanity.
  • Don't care too much about what others think. It only leads to stress you don't need.
  • People who ask silly questions give you an open license to mess with them. Nothing harmful mind you, but enough to entertain yourself for a short while.
  • Most people are good. Give them the benefit of the doubt. Until they prove you wrong. And they will.
  • Forgiving and forgetting are two separate things. Always. It is possible to do one without the other.
  • Never underestimate the power of a belief. People are defensive of their own and will do whatever they can to change yours.
  • Never trust anyone who wears a bowtie on a regular basis.
  • Everyone has an agenda. It might be an innocent one or a small one or even with your best interests in mind, but they always have a some reason for doing or saying what they do.
  • You don't have to agree all the time with someone to love or like them. In fact, a little debate keeps things interesting.
  • Always hold the door open for a lady. Doesn't matter if she's 8 or 100.
  • Attitudes are contagious and misery loves company. Don't let others catch your bad attitude.

I think that's enough for now. Feel free to comment and let me know if you have some similar ones. Or if you think I am full of BS. Either way should be interesting.

Been doing some thinking lately ...

I think it's just about high time I retire the filter between my brain and my mouth. I admired myself more when I didn't care what others thought or who I pissed off.

Dueling Mind Takers

This cracked me up, but I suppose you have to be a fan of the show to enjoy it. Or high (as much of Adult Swim's demographic likely is).

Weezer - Pork And Beans

I know it's a bit of an oldie, but I overheard the song today at lunch and had to go watch the video again. Since it's Friday, you should sit back and enjoy it too. See how many 'web celebs' you can recognize here.

Some Recent Logo Work

Some of my recent work, trying to keep the skills sharp. Clicking will take you to my DeviantArt page for a larger view. Feel free to comment if you like either of them.

JVN Originals Logo by =kniel187 on deviantART

Talented Octopus Logo by =kniel187 on deviantART


It's funny, you don't know how bad the healthcare industry is until you have to deal with it. I recently had to be in the hospital and while I was appreciative of the care I got, it blows my mind how inefficient the whole process is. For example, every time there was a new nurse on duty, I got the same 10 questions and had to re-explain what was wrong with me. I mean, don't they write this stuff down? Don't they have all the information on a computer? I am all for not assuming with patients, but shouldn't you reserve that for the important stuff -- like what medication was I given an hour ago and not how many days was I ill before I came into the hospital? On top of that, some of the equipment being used had to be almost as old as I am. I don't live in some backwater town, they should at least have more recent equipment. I know they charge you $300 for a box of tissues - where does that money go really?

I know we have issues with insurances (thank god I actually have insurance!) but realistically, I wonder how much time and money is actually wasted that gets billed to the insurance companies. Part of the problem certainly is the antiquated system that the hospitals have become. I think we need to review how this can be more efficient just as much as we are reviewing how insurance companies handle patients.

I know a lot of people are not crazy about the government option, but perhaps now that they will be involved a few of these items will be questioned. Maybe not, but one can always hope.


I think I've actually made a similar shot. Granted, not on purpose. Heh heh.

Russell Peters - Louis Vuitton and Indians (LOOOZ WOOOTON) HQ

Saw this again the other day. Been watching Russell Peters for a long time - he kills me.

Doesn't anyone have an original thought anymore?

And no, surprisingly, this is not another rant about the state of Hollywood (although, I could go off on that too).

Two items came across my field of view today:
Apple is suing HTC for patent infringement
Nick Simmons (son of Gene) is apparently copying various manga for his comic

Both are two entirely different situations, but it boils down to the same thing -- if you can't do something, copy someone who can.

Couple of things up front:
1) I had no idea Nick Simmons was working on a comic. Or that he could (sorta) draw, really. I collect comics but apparently I have not been looped into what is going on in comics for some time. I am also a big fan of manga but no where near some of these folks who could make the comparisons they did.
2) I am not a big fan of Apple or it's tactics to ensure it's monopoly in the arena of music/players, and in this case cell phones. The real reason why you will never see the iPhone on Verizon is because Verizon is not stupid enough or desperate enough to accept the crap deal AT&T took. Not to mention all of the Droid and iPhone is on a lame network ads. I actually have an iPod touch and (grudgingly) like it.

Just wanted to point out that I am not a hater on Nick or HTC here. Still if they are guilty of what they have been accused of, then they should be held accountable. Granted, they won't be, they'll just be added to the ever growing list of people, companies, etc. that have decided it is easier to take the shortcut. And why not, it apparently pays off.

We Americans are a lazy bunch - we want our food fast and our TV/movies formulaic. We're dumb or at the very least dumbed down - and that is our comfortable place. Almost anything that strays from that or challenges a person to invest more than a few brain cells is quickly squashed. This is why big business sells us the crap we see - they buy into this notion, because it's not wrong. This is why we still have cars that run on gas and only get 26 miles to the gallon. This is why we get CDs with one or two "good" songs, only determined to be so because they have been in rotation for weeks on end on the Top 40 stations. This is why a TV show with some originality gets cancelled in a couple of weeks, because people are afraid to like it until the masses do. This is why we still have Jay Leno and not Conan O'Brien. Because it's safe and we like zombies fall in line.

In this country, invention is dying. Or at the very least it is being kept to the outer fringes. If you think about it, we haven't had a new product invented, probably since the cell phone but even that was an innovation to something we already had - a home phone. Much of what we have today is a riff on something that has gone before. As 3M might say, "We don't make the things, we make things better." This exemplifies the point I am trying to make here.

So, today I am calling to you all -- take a moment and think about what life would be like if things weren't so safe and comfortable. Imagine a world where competition was based on who produced a better product, not a better version of the same product. A world where more than the same lame choices existed in media. A world where good artists could get radio/TV time instead of some jackass who tried out for American Idol, knowing full well they were a jackass. A world where people didn't buy books because Oprah recommended them.

Your homework, should you chose to accept it, it to seek out something -- a CD, a book, a show, a movie, a cell phone, a gadget, an artist, a writer, a twitter page, anything! -- that would not typically appeal to the general masses and post it or a link to it in the comments. Hell, if it's your original idea/product/etc. even better. The one catch here is that it has to be something you genuinely like and not because you were told it was good. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

The Future Soon - I Fight Dragons

A little something for a Friday.

Events like today make me think ...

So yeah, some random guy decided to go shoot someone (anyone?) at a school again today. In Colorado. Wasn't another kid or disgruntled teacher, but really some random guy who had no (apparent) business being near the school. Don't we have enough crazy people here already? Sigh.

I'm a dad. I'm not an overly protective one, but I have often said that if anyone wants to hurt my kids then they better hope the cops find them before I do. Not that I am a violent person or anything either, but I think that would be something to send me over the edge. Think Mel Gibson in the movie Ransom. It's probably the one time I could care less about the consequences of my actions. All bets are off, an eye for an eye, etc. - you get the picture. I can't believe more people don't feel this way and I am probably offending someone right now.

I'll move on from this topic, but I just want to say one last thing. If you are an idiot and want to shoot someone, just do us all a favor and shoot yourself.

Mr. Scary has a new hobby ...

Mr. Scary is really starting to do take some awesome shots with his new camera and so I thought I'd share a relatively recent one he posted on DeviantArt. Check out the rest of his work too!

vain? by *bfoflcommish on deviantART

New Look to the Blog!

So yeah, was getting a little tired of the 'dots' template and it's not like Blogger had many others to choose from. Luckily, I am resourceful and was able to find something I liked from the good folks at ThemeCraft.

Updated a couple of things, removed some others, yada, yada, yada ... let me know what you think.

With renewed interest, I plan to be posting more. I'm calling Ricky and Rico out too -- pitch in brothas. Heh.

Carry on y'all.

Oh Hell No!

Not much good news for the Mets lately, but here's something ...

Must be rough in Brooklyn if the Mets can't get Bengie Molina to be the catcher. Couple of decent pitchers took a pass as well. Ah well, I'm sure they'll have just as crappy of a season elsewhere.

Something else did catch my eye though, looks like the Mets are finally recognizing Dwight Gooden and Darryl Strawberry by inducting them into the Mets Hall of Fame.

Say what you will regarding the twists and turns their respective lives took, both of them were probably my most favorite players as a kid. Heck, I even had a funky stance in the batters box like Strawberry, which looked really awkward on a white kid with glasses. I know. Kids shouldn't idolize sports figures and this is probably a prime example of why, but what did I know back in the late 80's. I'm really glad that both of them seem to have their lives back on track. They both deserve the fan fare -- they did help win the pennant and the series back then after all, and both had decent careers as Mets. I'm even willing to forgive Darryl those years as a Dodger. Mr. Scary may not agree with me there though ... might still be too soon. LOL.

I'm not sure if I can get tickets and then I'd have to get a plane ticket and so on, but I would love to go see the August 1 game and ceremony. Anyone want to make plans to do it, should come see me. I am so down.

Anyway, enough for now, talk at you later.