Movie review: The Covenant

Alright boils and ghouls, I am going to start a weekly movie review. Most of these, in keeping with my name, will be horror movies and on top of that may be some most have never even heard of or have only seen the titles on late night movie channel guides. I will also review bigger name flicks as I see them.

So the first film to review for you all is The Covenant.

If you read the summary and such on your tv guide it sounds pretty interesting. A small group of kids (4 to be exact) are bonded together by centuries old witch spells and therefore are a "tight" group. Well then things happen, hot chicks barely dressed come into play, etc etc etc you know your typical pg-13 horror movie, then things go wrong. The new girl is liked by 2 of the 4, but she only likes 1 of them. The one she likes things the other is doing things to get know like the typical sending darklings and such...well it turns out another new kid has these same powers but they dont know it until later. Well some power fighting here, fake effects there blah blah kid wants one of the 4 kids powers before he ascends to make himself stronger.

Sounds decent right......I mean for a late night horror flick anyways......well thats where you are wrong.

The reason the kid wants more power and is mad at the world????????

HE GREW UP WITH NOONE WHO KNEW WHAT HE HAD GOING ON......oh boo hooo hoooo the kid didn't know about the "group of 4" unbtil after he had hatred and a thirst for power...blah blah blah.....bitching here, moaning there...another fake cgi fight, and you have boy saves girl and all is well movie ending.


They had a decent plot but made nothing of it other than a cry baby mad because he had powers but didn't know why.

The effects made me think of a couple guys just getting there new computer programs and wanted to try them out on film.....thier "f/x" for fighting we nice power orbs they threw at eachother....nice and new right??? ugh! why the hell would witches have orbs of power they throw???

oh well... on a scale of 1-10 I give this movie 3 stars! Wasn't bad acting as you would think in a late night horror movie, like I said decent plot, and chicks scantily clad in a few scenes.....but it was pg-13 so don't expect much unless you are a 15 year old boy.

Well until next time kiddies keep that night light on, look in your closet before you go to sleep and don't forget to check for me under the bed!

1 Response to Movie review: The Covenant

  1. Ken says:

    Wow. A really unbiased review - ha ha. I couldn't agree with you more tho.