Some Post-Xmas Goodness for the Boys

Here's one - what a way to go. Apparently, the Champagne Room was too much for a young "gentleman" who died shortly after a private session.

Secondly, peep out the newest young lady I am admiring as of late - Alex Sim-Wise, most notably from Loaded magazine. Anyone who knows me, knows this is right up my alley.

Lastly, have you heard the "backlash" from Phillip Rivers calling Jay Cutler's momma something unintelligible ... across a football field no less ... from the sideline. Real brave. Here's Champ Bailey doing a fine Shannon Sharpe impression. Silly, given both QBs are really quite horrible (I wouldn't draft or waiver wire either of them myself).

Spreading Holiday Cheer ...

The Beaver and I were talking about this guy last night, so I thought I'd find a video to check it as I hadn't see him in a couple of years. Jeff Dunham is a very talented and funny comedian - ventriloquism is his thing (and if you haven't see Walter, Peanut or the Jalepeno on a Stick, shame on you!).

Lo and behold, I found this little gem, just in time for Christmas. He's got a new puppet (at least new to me) - which I think he named Akmed (sorry if I screwed up the spelling). Enjoy!

Can't wait to see more ... guess I'm gonna have to get tickets the next time he's in town. Or search my trusty friend YouTube some more ...

- Ken

Last Minute (Guy) Shopping Ideas?

How about an odd mouse pad for the perv in your life?

Or perhaps a unique re-visioning of the old school pencil sharpener? (Thanks for showing me this one C-Lo).

Whatever you get - I hope your Christmas is fun and you get what you want. And not those damn socks from Grandma ... unless that is how you roll.

- Ken

Logo Design Stuff

Pimping myself out. Here is a logo design that I did for a friend, but she wanted to go a different way. Ah well. Posting it as practice work, showing what I can do.

I freakin' love how this one turned out. One man's opinion though ...

Happy Fun Video Time - Spanish Edition

This one is for all of us that had to suffer through a 6th grade Art teacher who thought she knew Spanish because she spent a month in Mexico. That's right, I pulled out a Mrs. Rock reference. (Okay, so only Rico and Marcella will understand that one other than me ...). Enjoy this AWESOME video pointed out to me by Jolene!

Nutty Buddy

Ok, first of all, the name - that's funny as all hell to actually call an athletic supporter (read: cup) something like that. Unforgetable marketing in that alone, but if you want to go the extra step, make a video out of demonstrating this product and put it on YouTube. Enjoy!

This takes balls (pun intended) to stand behind a product like that. Wish more companies would have this much confidence in their products. As a bonus, and I know Ricky will love this, you gotta appreciate the Chris Sabo cameo near the end (good god, that is a name I haven't heard in years ...).

I'm sold. How about you?

Just some links to share today ...

Not much to post, but at least I have something to share.

Here's a story about an announcer getting the boot for being clever. Too bad. Not enough people have fun with their job.

A really, really wrong MP3 that a friend showed me. If you don't laugh, you're not sick enough to be here. (Thanks Philly!)

Lastly, my friend Carlos, always looking out for my 'mental health' pointed this link out. Gotta book my flight for the next one ... makes me want to almost shun American football. Almost.

Have a good weekend!

Need a Christmas Gift Idea?

Have I got a deal for you ...

How about a light-up, scrolling LCD belt buckle? That's right, you can tell people off or simply draw more attention to your crotch.

Go ahead, buy one, you know you want to.

Where My Ninjas At?

Been pretty quiet ... wondering what happened to the Beaver and Mr. Scary ... just saying ...

At any rate, came across a crazy video again that I hadn't seen in a while so I thought I'd share. Enjoy!

A Little Annoying ...

Someone made a reference to that song in the Karate Kid, near the end ("You're The Best Around ..." - you know which one I'm talking about) and now that god-forsaken song is in my head. Hopefully I have shared my pain. Heh.

On another note, in case anyone was wondering what to get me for Christmas, here it is. I know it's a lot to ask and I'm sure there is a deal on eBay or something, but it's all I have on the wish list.

Just thought I'd communicate it. :)

- K

Couple of Odd Stories

Happy Thanksgiving first of all!

Not much to add today, but here are a couple of odd stories to help you feel thankful for your current situation.

Not sure how true this story is, but this guy survived a two hour flight on the outside of the plane.

Apparently too much of a good thing does exist. Imagine having 200 orgasms a day. Sounds good right? Well, perhaps not - check out what this this woman goes through.

Some Friday Perking Up

A little something, something for the boys. Nothing too unsafe for work. Heh heh.

By the way, if you haven't already found this out, the British mens mags are MUCH better than you average US-based Maxim. Zoo is just one example (the site ain't bad either). Loaded, Front and Nuts are a few more. Of course, we got them on the more risque ones ... just one man's opinion.

Happy Friday, y'all

Bwah Hah Ha Ha Ha Ha

I can't believe Barry didn't actually get off the hook. I was almost swearing that he was going to get away scott-free. Kinda hollow though considering he will be nothing more than a DH no matter where he ends up (if anyone even wants him). They should have done all this before he broke the record.

Now, I am certain he isn't the only one that is/was on the 'roids, but he is what epitomizes how fake a 'hero' can be. Seriously. Kids everywhere have looked up to him (whether sports figures should be looked up to is another story - ask Charles Barkley) and for what - so they can learn that it's OK to cheat as long as you pretend you didn't know? Whatever.

This shirt by T-Shirt Hell gets funnier every time I think of Barry. It shows what a joke this has become.

My proposal: Instead of penalizing baseball players for steroids, we should make it mandatory for all players. Then at least the games will be interesting and there wouldn't be all of this nonsense to detract from the game. Although, there would be the side effect of those bench clearing brawls resulting in casualties, but that is a price I am willing to pay.

Odds and Ends ...

Greetings from the green isle of Ireland. City #2, in three days.

The Europe trip is going well - much has been accomplished as intended. Trainings and client meetings and such.

Some highlights:
- got to see London for the first time, it's pretty busy around town and you can get lost easily as there is no rhyme or reason to the streets
- got a MAJOR upgrade on the hotel room in London, cuz the early check-in wasn't handled properly (penthouse suite for the same rate as my original room - woo hoo!)
- traveling with a couple of really cool ladies
- made it to Dublin (easily one of my favorite places) in time to have a nice dinner and a pint of Guinness before it was too late at night
- most everyone I've met was excited to finally meet me (including someone I originally worked with over 4 years ago, when I first started at DC)
- some European clients that are excited about the new interface we have been working on for months and want to be part of the testing
- the room in Dublin is pretty nice too (hope the karma gods keep smiling)
- glad I didn't bring the film camera after all (that's it, I am officially going digital for real)
- going pub crawling with a couple of close co-workers tonight!

Some lowlights:
- haven't taken many pictures as I wanted since I have been working most of the time
- having to hustle to catch every damn plane since Denver (my outgoing flight needs to be better ...)
- the oddest flight attendant I have ever seen (a 6'6", 250+ lbs. male flight attendant with a definitely female haircut/do)
- my coworker getting stopped in security in Heathrow (while we are cutting it close for the flight anyway) because of a webcam that we have been using to record sessions with people
- looks like I missed a few co-workers by getting in late last night (ah well)

I will be home soon and as much fun as I have had, I can't wait. From the sound of it though, I may be back this way again soon. We will see.

- Ken

Come check out my new playlist

So umm yeah, I've been on imeem for a minute just listening, but now I have decided to start my own playlist. Som take a listen and please comment and let me know what you think..bad or good.

I am finacially secure! Finally!

Or so my e-mail keeps telling me ...

I swear, if I get another e-mail telling me I won the UK Lottery, I will go postal. Ugh. I've never had so much 'luck' in my life.

On a side note, I am going to London in 4 days ... perhaps I can collect my winnings then.

- Ken

Who Doesn't Like Candy Corn?

How about a wallpaper, in time for Halloween? Check it out and download if you like.

Fade to Candy WP by =kniel187 on deviantART

Better that a Sharp Stick in the Eye

Ok, so it really is using an eye to sharpen a stick. Check out this cool pencil sharpener, coming soon. Halloween appropriate.

Thanks to Carlos L. for the link!

This is a good thing ...

Extending the ban on internet access tax another 7 years would be good. Was hoping for permanent, but no go. Read more here!

Heartbreak in D-Town

The Rox lost their groove (might've been that damn 8 days off or more simply, they just ran into a better team). I was hoping for at least one win ...

What cracked me up is how the radio stations this morning were all quick to find an excuse. One station was saying that the Red Sox paid more for a better team so they were expected to win, another was making fun of how quickly people were jumping from the bandwagon. Money or not, the Rockies gave it one hell of a shot - no one expected them to be playing in October, let alone go to the big dance. Considering they were in last place (or close to it ...) the last half dozen years, this was huge.

Some thoughts on the 'morning after':
- no one got arrested in Denver last night, 37 in Boston were
- Fox loses out on revenue with a sweep (and we can finally get back to regular programming ... heh)
- Denver (unfortunately) loses out on quite a bit of revenue with no Game 5 (but at least it won't be nuts to get to the Broncos game tonight)
- maybe they will reconsider the playoffs a bit as there has been a blowout every year for 5 years (two sweeps by the way) and a lot of it has to do with one team getting rusty while waiting on the other (yeah right)
- ratings outside of Denver and Boston were likely not ideal

Not to be cliche, but ... maybe better luck next year. The key here is, if you choose to be a fan, be a fan, even when they lose. Ask any Bostonian. Or a Mets fan.

Need an Idea for Halloween?

Whatever you do, don't cross the line like this guy. Most offensive cosutume ever!

Thanks to Chad R. for pointing this one out.

For When the Anime Fans Riot ...

They can now do so with an AK-47 with Hello Kitty on it: Check It!

And I thought the Hello Kitty vibrator took merchandising too far ...

The site has other options as well, including a rocket launcher with Mother Teresa on it (that's gotta piss someone off).

That 'AintQuiteRight' no matter how you slice it.

Finally! Game On!

The Rockies know who they're playing. Finally. I like the Red Sox too, so it should be an interesting matchup. I just hope the Rox haven't cooled off to much.

My prediction: Red Sox in 6. (Sorry, have to be realistic.)

The fun for me right now however, is watching everyone around me struggle with the assinine system of purchasing tickets online. No one is getting in and they have tried for 2 hours now. I think the Rockies are turning off some fans by doing it this way and it makes it even easier for the brokers to buy up all the tickets (they have lots of folks on hand that can spread out the purchasing, especially since the Rox told everyone more than a week ago that they were moving to online only - gave them plenty of time to staff up IMHO).

If you're trying to buy tix, good luck. You'll need it.

... mass hysteria, cats sleeping with dogs ...

This is too much. The Rockies are for real. It's like I'm watching a remake of the movie Major League. Damn!

Mad props to the Rockies for not only beating a good team, but for pulling out the old broom for a sweep. If only I had a time machine to make a proper bet. Heh.

50 cool points to the first person who can tell me which movie I am quoting in the title (and no, it's not Major League) ...

- Ken

Hell in a Handbasket ...

Is there really any hope for anyone else when you hear about nuns in Rome snapping? Read all about it here.

Can't we all just get along?

Let's Go Rockies!

So the Mets blew it, now I have to Root Root Root foR the home team! Even though at heaRt I am a Mets fan I have to admit this feeling of baseball in my hometown in RocktobeR is awesome! I found myself watching moRe of the Rockies on Sunday than I was the bRoncos. Just walking downtown and seeing puRple eveRywheRe is kind of RefReshing.

I hope these guys can keep it up a few more weeks and make little Run at the seRies.

my pick????

R ockies in 5

then beat aRizona in 6

And on to The woRld to beat the Spankees in 5

ok ok ok ok I know neveR going to happen
oR will it?

Hockey is Here! Look Out!

The good, the bad and the ugly have returned. I love hockey and no one likes a good hit more than me - ask anyone who's played an NHL Playstation game with me - but this goes to far. If you haven't seen this clip already, this is crazy - I understand competitiveness, but DAMN!

The hit on Dean McAmmond (Flyers/Senators game on 9/25):

Downie has been suspended 20 games and realistically, they want to toss him from the league. Even Lemieux or Bertuzzi never invoked this punishement.

I need a pick me up ...

On a lighter note ... someone has put together some interesting motivation banners. Go Here to see them. A couple of them are just wrong. Inspiring.

Thanks to my buddy C-Lo for sharing these!

The Mets Suck!

There. I've said it. What a freakin embarassment. Lead the division by as many as 8 games, since May no less, and then blow it because you can't beat two of the worst teams in the MLB. They just needed to win 2 more games and hold off the Phillies. Ugh.

At least the Rockies are keeping things interesting. Hope they get past the Padres tonight as that would suck to be this close and not get in. Was a bit odd to see more folks excited about the Rockies than the stinking Broncos yesterday.

Needless to say, the Magic Number has been pulled from this blog. BTW - it still said 2 games (can you say error?).

What in the World is going on?

The Mets can't beat the lowly Nationals and the Rockies have won 9 straight. You heard me correctly. The Colorado Rockies. Yes -- that team. Looks like they might make things interesting at least.

All I can say is, thank goodness the sorry Phillies can't get their act together. Kinda sick really.

Just under a week left and we pretty much know who the AL teams are that are making the playoffs, but NOT ONE TEAM in the NL has so much as clinched a playoff spot. Weird.

Vote for What to Do with HR #756 Ball

In case you hadn't heard, Marc Ecko owns the ball and is having the public decide it's fate. To make your choice known, Vote Here.

Good Luck!

I like bananas and all, but um...

An artist wants to make an installation of a giant inflated banana, hovering over Texas.

No lie. You read that correctly. For more scoop, see for yourself.

Not quite sure what the message is and why Texas, but it is in progress apparently. This world is just to damn weird to look away sometimes.

Popcorn popcorn

what is going on ...
now you can get the big C from in haling the microwave popcorn fumes... no no not only that but a lady that worked for a movie theater for 25yrs doing popcorn developed cancer over the fumes. WE as a society need to stop Inhaling the fumes and wake up. The air we take in the water we drink the paper we wipe our asses with the clothes we where the car we drive the pen we use who Knows we are all going to become ex stink... the cavemen are making a come back and we are repeating history... the Ice age is melting and we are in different weather patterns. Things that make you say hummmm. ( Arsenal Hall )

Hey hey all

da Beaver
forgot his pdw (my past Drinking ways ) so that is why you have not hear the sweet nector of the BEAVER in a while... I am back I will memmber this time... too many pistals in the past. Floks I come to you clean AND ready for the world .. So what has been going on yes I heard through the vine that a so called BRITTNY tired to make a come back at the VMAS sorry girl but the beaver shot was sad enuff.. Oh yes I did go there. It looked like BEEF STRUGGANOF on the wall ......eeeeeeeuuurrrrruuuupppp.... any ways get off that and i mean get off or you are in trubble. K fade is laughing and that is need adopt a pole dancer ..

Funkbuster Coming At Ya

Kinda in a funk today and I needed something to break me out of it. I know this video is a bit older, but if you can't laugh at this you shouldn't be breathing now. It always brightens my day ... like seeing a family of little people.

Here Comes Dr. Tran

Video Courtesy of YouTube, property of Lone Sausage (though I think a fan posted it).

Are you ready for some footballlll?

I know I am. It is about time opening night is upon us. And with that I would like to make my predictions for this upcoming year.

Afc Playoff participants

Broncos (wildcard)
Bengals (wildcard)

Broncos beat Ravens
Pats Beat Bengals

Broncos beat Chargers
Colts beat Pats

Colts beat Broncos


Eagles (wc)
Rams (wc)

Cowboys beat Eagles
Seahawks beat Rams

Saints beat Seahawks
Bears beat Cowboys

Saints beat Bears

super bowl

Colts beat Saints just look tonight's opening game.......Now thats what you call full circle

Get Your 80's On

Because Transformers was such a success, it looks like the 80's are being mined a bit for new movies. In the works ...

He-Man (Didn't we already learn our lesson with this one?)
G.I. Joe

Doesn't sound like any of these are going to be as great as Transformers, so
don't be shocked when they bomb. Here is an open letter to the writer of at least a couple of these.

I am SO glad that Hollywood can't come up with an original idea anymore
and so they have to raid the vaults of books, movies and cartoons. You
all know this is simply pandering to the same audiences that they tried
to bombard with merchandising during those formative years (namely
using many of the cartoons listed above).

Sure, we're all glad that they are making the movies they should have made 20 years ago, but it's so obvious they are just appeasing us for our dollars.

What's next? A Hulk Hogan and Friends movie? A Superfriends franchise? Any of the crappy shows and sitcoms from that time? You know you can't wait for Fall Guy: The Movie.

That "well" should run short in a hurry. Gives me hope that I can one day
put out my own movie. As long as I promise not to make another White
Chicks, of course.

It's Funny Sign Day

Saw This on Flickr - it's that kind of a wacky day.

Any one else hear a banjo ...

What Kind of Crazy World Do We Live In?

First schools ban dodgeball, now a Colorado Springs school is banning the game of tag ...

The Story is Here

What in the hell? Crybabies. Nonesense.

ahhhhhhh the smell of Pigskin

We have the HOF game this weekend, training camps are in full force, Moss and TO are already sitting out is here people!

the best time of year

The Fluffy Comic

His description of himself and I think you know why.

If you haven't seen Gabriel Iglesias yet (yeah, yeah, I know he was the one kicked off Last Comic Standing last season ... he shoulda won), you should check out this clip:

His Comedy Central Special started airing this weekend. Check it out! Tivo it you bastards. You won't be sorry.

I thought I was a geek ...

Clearly, this guy sets the bar.

Wonder if the blue screen of death will stick around as long ... then again, when MSFT takes over your mind, that may be the last thing you see before you kick the bucket.

There's a warm thought.

Peace and chicken grease.

Sketch of Da Boys

The three of us, manga style yo. Enjoy! (PS - guys, we can buy a print of this if you want, ask me how.)

Da Boys - Sketch Version by =kniel187 on deviantART

Nice Site

One of the best domains I've heard in a long time:

P.S. - It's a golf ball site by the way.

This Put's the Wave to Shame

... must be a halftime show or something ...

Crazy Coordinated Dance

Just watch it already.

Screw Everyone Else, I'm Pimping Myself ...

Take a look. Stop on by. Leave a comment. The thumbs below are clickable to a page with a larger view.



OK ... So I am not a stranger to Spanglish (being fairly fluent myself), but for those who are not familiar, it is the ability (???) of speaking with someone in both Spanish and English in the same sentence. I'm not sure where it comes from - perhaps laziness when searching for the word, or perhaps it is simply a clash of cultures. I am sure you can see George Lopez's comedy for further reference on the topic.

Well ... I was not aware that other nationalities participated in this "tradition" with their own languages as well. I was pleasantly entertained/surprised a couple of days ago, when I overheard part of a phone conversation that appeared to be in both Chinese and English (Mandarin or Cantonese, I could not say, but I knew it was not Japanese and have a sense that it was not Korean - not trying to be insulting ... I just know what I have been exposed to) and kinda came up with the term in the title. (I'm sure I'm bound to offend with that term, but it seemed appropriate.)

I'm just wondering if it sounds so strange to others when we use our Spanglish ... I was both amused and fascinated at the same time. Anyone else come across this with something other than Spanish?

let us all PRAY

Lets us al pray for the Family of Chirs Benuie
too me if you are that far gone why why why why why take your 777777777777777777777777777777 year old son too .

MAY THE LORD SAVE YOUR SON AND KEEP YOU IN HADIS BITCH fu Chris molde dad place the bible at there sides I give you the big F why why why you shoulde of just kill youre self

beaver out


In the resent events i iiiiiiiiiiiiii a WWE fan neverknew that he would have been able of this. Yes he was reborn butttt......... I still fill there is more to the motive.....H e loved his kids WHY????????????????? RESPECT is what he lived for buttt ..????????????????? beaver is stumped

Search Smarter, Not Harder

Here's a way to have Google help you find a certain file:

-inurl:(htm|html|php) intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size +([file_extension]) "[search_term]"

Simply use the string above, replacing the following:

[file_extension] with any file extension -- jpg, pdf, mpg, m4v ... and so on
[search_term] with a word you want to search for, such as naruto

For example, pasting the following in the search box in Google:
-inurl:(htm|html|php) intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size +(mpg|mpeg) "anime"

Will return you pages where there are mpg or mpeg files with the word anime in the filename. Try it!

Where's Waldo?

This is just plain wrong - a real live Waldo search. Further proof that some people have WAY too much free time.

Oh yeah, and the Rockies spanked the Yankees 6-1. That's two in a row. Hope you know where to catch the Ark ... just in case they sweep 'em.

The Seventh Sign of the Apocalypse

Prepare for doom. The Rockies beating the Yankees is pretty much the sign all have been waiting for.

I know the Yanks haven't been themselves lately, but still ... the Rockies. We will see how games 2 and 3 go. Here's the NY Times view of the game.

Gotta say this would normally make me happy anyway as I hate the Yankees, but to top it off, I got to watch most of the game from a NY pub. People were not happy because the Rockies are normally a pushover. Needless to say, I was cheering on the inside as I stand out enough.

Cool Picture of D-Town

Denver at night. I thought it was cool anyway. Not done by me, unfortunately. I must be missing home ...

Denver skyline by =gadgetsguru on deviantART

Traveling Man ...

Chicago this week, NY next week. Damn. Hot and muggy both ways.

Will post some more fun stuff later, but wanted to pop in and say 'howdy' to the Beaver crew. Rico - call me immature, but you and your splashing cracks me up and no, I won't grow up already. Heh heh.

I hope to get a chance to shoot some pictures while here, but that all depends on others unfortunately. Ah well. I have some reason to come back to Chi-town now, my dad is here, so that works too.

See you guys when I get back. We need to work on that day off thing we talked about.



It has been almost a month since my last post. and boy the BEAVER needed the rest .................SPLASH IN THE BEAVERS FACE.............. IT hit me hard on.... the knees you know ???? anyone .. now i am alone been there done that and didnot but the shirt...

muff about me soooooooooooo what has been going on? I know the METS are tanking hey I told you. never trust a BEAVER, or is that never unerestimate a BEAVER...

I have to go it is past my mimi time so i Love all .. So GOOD NIGHT

Beaver ... come out and play ...

It's all quiet on the Beaver front. Why is that?

Notes from the scary1

Hello everyone.......

Sorry it's been awhile but now I am back.

Went to Santa Fe New Mexico for a nice 4 day weekend over memorial day. I can honestly nowhere has better food than New Mexico. Visited with family I haven't seen in awhile and saw a few sights I hadn't It was a fun trip.

Also was able to average almost 90 mph for awhile without getting caught by the 100 cops we seen over the 4 days so that was a nice bonus.

THE METS!!!!! I am going to just call it right now Mets beat Indians in 5 games! World Champs baby! Still not a full 100% squad, still don't have everything 100% where it should be but still beating up on the NL.

Also, this weekend Broncos Fan Fair...yeah baby! FOOTBALL FIX HERE I COME.

It's almost time to start thinking fantasy anyone outthere that needs extra players thrown an invite my way, I am always down to join more leagues.

Some Sweet Freakin Talent Out There ...

Had to share this. Wish I had this much talent ...

Sideshow Bob by *spacecoyote on deviantART

Remember when ...

Came across this story on ESPN Page 2. It takes you back to a time when players used to have long careers with teams and so being seen in a different uniform seemed unnatural.

One they left off the list was Howard Johnson. I remember seeing him for so long in a Mets uniform before playing a year with the Rockies. Same with Bret Saberhagen (KC then NY for that one).

Love that they called out Tony Dorsett as a Bronco though. I always thought that was the perfect example of playing one year too many. Though, many have passed through Denver on the way to retirement ... too funny.

Age vs. Age ............

Recently i went to my local video store to rent videos and I notice a Young couple in their teens. Me and my son pic out movies and the same couple were in line first. He was all over her like he had just got out of jail or the WAR. With his index finger in her.... you know sounds like pin och. in my mind I was saying you go man get yours but in front o my son I was saying look over there at spider man. NO my Son fix on the action was asking questions.... So I told him real quick that he is saying I love you and hi in a quick breath so he would not understand. he look at me and said you are lying and I want to see that spider man movie.... Two weeks later I was fixing a pluming issue under the kitchen sink.. and lo and behold bent over under a sink He ran by me and ramed a Hot Wheel in my ass and said I Love you ......
Moral of story Watch what you say in front of your kids it will hit you in the end.

Had a Few Moments and a Few Items

Someone actually had a contest where the point was to create a REALLY crappy game (and no, I don't mean Parcheesi y'all). Crappy Game Contest Results.

That's freakin' awesome. (somehow that has filtered into my list of sayings lately ... hmmm)

Speaking of awesome, here is an example of what the 'pros' are doing with PhotoShop - Pictures That Lie!

One last thing ... I have to say that I have been watching G4 a lot more lately and this is one small reason. "The Feed" in the middle of the shows is featuring her. Wow. Then again, they are showing Ninja Warrior weeknights now. If you haven't seen it, TiVo it - it's so wrong, it's good.

Now, back to you're regularly scheduled mind numbing.

Censorship of Spreading a Hack

Someone found out how to hack HD-DVDs. Publishing this got the attention of many, including those who do not want something like that out there. Here is the story from someone who got banned from because of it.

How to Get Banned from

Just had to share. Will have more on something more trivial later on today.

More Troops In Irac.. Why

Hi all
The Beaver has been out due to an abs est tooth and medication and i mean medication..... Sorry. .. But I would like to reflect on the moments on my back in a slight coma................................................................................................................................... Bush's solution to the War is more Troops.. I woke up out of my coma with the aka and said och i mean that is not the answer. We need to bring them home . too many Men are losing there lives for WHAT? You tell me................................................................... Bring them home and let Nature take its course..
Middle School history to now is repeating it's self ....I AIN'T STUPID .I read between the lines I know I had realist teachers and I lived through it so far. My own son tells me day to day Daddy I want to be a Marine, that's cool ..If motion is vetoed Hello DRAFT .. THINK ABOUT THAT .. We all have heard the stories I know first hand... Trust me .. no more



Hi all.

You wanted the beaver sssssssoooooooooooooo u got my atention No NONONONONO Iam sorry but I am Real to the game and what u get is what u get MIDA nOOOOOOO we dont do that here we speak the truth. ssssssssssssss

Talkin sssssssssssssssssssssss

Hello Beaver here ....................

I can hare now . sssssssssssssssssssooooooooooooooooo I believe that all of that is si/.,!@Thr Beaver is here and Iam NOT THA SIHT ............. I Wish but ................ I whant a moment of silence 4 tha homies All ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

When your head phones give out >>>

Don't you hate when in the middle of your favorite jam your head phones give out. I got so mad that I had to use my back up. NO the back up is that i have to shift to right to left ....... Like when I am u know Just LOOK !!!! You have been there tune in Tokyo Too many Reminders. I go Sleepy now BEAVER NATION .........

Soooo Where is tha lov

Beaver here coming to you live here.. Just a few things on my mind. 1 Bro were is the love you never brought out the Beaver I LOVE YOU TOO>> Guacamole too you with a cherry. Bling you it!!!! Congrats too Yolanda you go girl. I know where we are holding draft this year .......... plug .hint..wink..wink..nugg.. BEAVER CHAMPS...sorry i farted out loud....... is it bad when the cops show up after... it is just funny to me... All they say is call PLUMB PROS ... cha ching .. clean mouth.!!!

First .... Let's all pray for the victims from the Virgina Tech Shooting. I agree with Mr. scary. If you have a problem talk to some one,,,,, If you have an issue leave it to you Leave everyone else alone.. I know I have been through it.. Not the Pussy , AS IF. LORD pray for the families of this tragedy.

Sorry but metts will go to the end but will come up short and lose sorry... Hey I KNOW THE ROCKIES SUCK .. don't spray it..

Did some one say lets make a movie I am down and I mean way south I want to be Dirt BEAVER In big bright lights. I am a big shining star.

Soooooooo I will be at your house to see the disturbing movies and listen to your up lifting music to night and i will bring the little beers..

Where is tha love .......

Beaver here and i am ready to splash out the sour cream dipp...
Be ready send the kids to bed call the FBI CIA NNL NFL AFL PMFGM PMFGF CEC FUS WWE ........................................just be ready to hit the buzzeard

What on mr-scary's mind?

What is up my fans? I have a few things to talk about today.

1) GO NUGGETS!!!!! Talk about getting it right at the right time. Bring on Flop Ginobli, Cry Baby Duncan and the rest of the wussy Spurs.

Now of course Spurs will win the series behind the help of the refs who will award them around 45 free throws to Nuggets 15 per game, and we will have players bleeding with no fouls called while Melo and Camby will breath in the wrong direction and get a fould called, but I am now ready for that, as that is what the NBA has been reduced to.

2) Virginia Tech Shootings. My thoughts go out to everyone involved (except the pussy who can't handle things with himself only). So your having troubles, oh boo hoo kill yourself, not 32 other people with you. To make things easier go do it in a dirt field so we can just hose the shit down and be done with you. But nooooooo life is so hard you have to go and take 32 innocent lives with you.

3)On topic of the shootings......MEDIA SUCKS!!!! Stop blaming video games, movies and music. You think these kids are listening and watching bad mainstream stuff...come pay a visit to my house and I will show you REALLY disturbing music and movies! Maybe, just maybe, we can blame the pussy and those around him? hmm how would that be for a change?

4)Mets......uh guys you may want to wake up....October wont be a possibility with the crap you guys are calling baseball right now. Sure you are a game out of the best record over all, but the effort just doesn't look there to me! Oh well the Rockies are coming up on the schedule soon.....SWEEP!

5)Welcome Yolanda to the said Doubleclick/google family with Ken. I hope Yolanda has a better time at gooclick than she did at etoys. Dougle seems like a great opportunity to start a career at and lets hope she can gain some great experiences at Dubgoo.

6)While Ken is thinking of writing a book, I think I may be inspred to do the same. Only mine will be a nce dark piece about a haunted house owner who has "the goriest" and most life like haunted house around. The reason being? Some patron don't make it out alive and become part of the attracion.

Now of course the media wont like that and start blaming "mr-scary's vault of horror" the reason the next shooting is happening.


Holla atcha boy!

Who? What? When? How many?

First off Congrats on the acquisition I hope this is a great thing for you. If I know you it is beyond great. I hope to do business with Double Click in the near future. So what is the new name going to be? I can think of a few....... I will hold my comment..
Second When did they come out with the little beers. Beer is not to be cute while drinking it. It is like me turning to my boyz and saying. Hay you look cute Drinking that little Beer. Or did someone say hey lets make mini beers and see what people think. To me it is a night out on the town and saying that I am going to drink a little tonight.. NO To MINI beers ...Man Law!!

Lots to Share Today!

Apparently you CAN get to anywhere in the world easily. Just ask Google Maps for directions. Check out line 26 of the directions listed here. The directions look straightforward ... on paper anyway.

Additionally, Google made some jaws drop (and subsequently productivity for a couple of hours - I know firsthand) late on Friday the 13th (kinda creepy timing-wise) by announcing that they had purchased DoubleClick for a measly $3.1 billion. It's all just numbers on a computer somewhere in the Caymans when you start talking that kind of nonsense. Way to one up MSFT guys.

How the HELL are the Nuggets the hottest team in the NBA right now? Winning 8 in a row? Just doesn't seem natural somehow ...

Last thought for the day - I am going to start writing a book and title it "Everything Comes Back to that Movie Friday". Why not.

Wow ... Lent must be over ...

The Beaver is awake. 'Bout fricken time man. Long live the Beaver.




Beaver your turn

Hey Hey
Don't think you are safe... you claim to be 2006 champ ... yes that is ture but you are lucky final round you had to play the Toros you know they were a first rate team and you took advantage. Just like my man Justin Timberlane what comes around goes around.. next year I am going undefeated... What take another break sssssssssssssss I have just opened my eyes. This is going to be a great year for tha Boyz Trust me Bros. Investments

Too all my JUGALOS

Hey Mr Scary

You thought you were safe not in this league BEAVER 2006 CHAMPS kiss my HEISMAN. All my jugalos called and said sup and bow down to tha BEAVER....
Kidding ... so who do you think will make it to the world series and win it? Not the METTS OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH that hurts but it is true..The Beaver Predicts Yankees.. sorry they are vindictive..

From tha DAMM

Sorry , Sorry
But Bro you just pulled a Twig from my damn and I am responding. Audie Me Dos I am going the other way on your teachings..

First.. Bro when have you cared about
what other people are thinking.. Bro no dis respect I love you but nesiseto jevos. boo who the are watching... Let them watch I will give a show. All Legal but bending some rules with in limits. Good job watching out I love you for that but Be TRU to tha BLUE.
We all know the way I role jevos out and to the wall. oooohhhhhhhhhhh it feels good to be back sorry to the fans but the Beaver to a break from all. No it was not REHAB What do you think we are Rock stars.. NEDDSS not here Just Tha Boyz....

The damn is falling so i need to go and fix it FE AM I am a member and a don er.

Somebody's Watching U ...

Cue the 80's song. The RIAA and MPAA apparently think it's okay to be deceptive and impersonate people.

For more info read this story:

As a side note - if you are still filesharing through a P2P, then I would highly recommend either stopping or getting 2 or 3 versions of virus scan. You never know who's out there and what their intents are (there are some bad apples that are out to expressly ruin people's day).

- Ken

Happy Easter

Happy Easter to tha Boyz and to all out there reading this message.
The Beaver is back and tanked up. Be prepared I have seen a lot with a clear mind that has been mind bending, and i will emancipate my injections later.......
Easter is a time to reflect the rising of Christ. and to hid the Eggs and paint them purple..

Next week my expose on the Jamie Foxx Tour 4-4-07. Go to check out his site

Kinda Spooky ...

Ever notice that some companies use the same colors in their logos ...

For example:
Google - red, blue, yellow & green (in the letters)
MSN - red, blue, yellow & green (in the butterfly)

Coincedence? Perhaps ... perhaps not.
Also, why those four (the primaries I see, but green ...)?

Just a random thought for today.

Insane Video - Sword vs. Gun

Want to see a fired bullet be split in two? I have seen the video and I still can't believe it - hella insane. Check it out here:

Ahhhh do you smell that? it's the smell of baseball.

Opening day is this weekend, with the Rockies opening on Monday afternoon! Doesn't it smell like baseball in Denver?


It's baseball season it shouldn't be 38 degrees with snow on the ground.

Oh well, Mets look to defend thier NL East crown, andf the Rockies seem to be putting a team out there that could surprise a few people. I may have some baseball to watch into the end of the season this year between my 2 teams.

Star Wars and Stamps - Any Geeks Dream ...

Kind of a cool item. As part of the 30th Aniversary of the first Star Wars movie, USPS is releasing some stamps to commemorate the occasion. Following the link will let you see the images used as well as vote on a favorite. Enjoy!

Who Knew He Could Act ...

For those of you that missed it last Saturday (on SNL), here is the video of the REAL Peyton Manning:

Peytom Manning - United Way Spot

Just playing! Funny as hell tho.

Good Service? Part 2?

Hi all Da Beaver is here.
I would like to um.. say a little bit about people that work in the service industry loose their patience a lot faster due to being held to a higher standard.. I agree and disagree due to the fact it always depends on the person. Yes we are held to a high standard and are expected to produce it to the bottom line. Keep the Share holders happy..SO they say. I feel that those that work in the industry have a lot of patience and are sympathetic when little things happen.

Thought ...

Why is it that if you work in a service industry (restaurant, sales, support ... you name it), you easily lose patience with someone when you are not getting the best service?

Is it like we hold people to a higher standard, because we are held to one? Shouldn't we have more patience because we know what it is like?

I overheard a story today that made me wonder why people are like this ...

A little something ...

Wanted to add a few odds and ends. More to come later.


Mr-scary is here

As Mr Ken posted there will be 3 of us that honor you with our presence. You have now met 2 of us. I for 1 will give a little insight and say the ranting beaver, well, we are still usure of that is a product f our overrun imaginations or in fact is a real person.

See the Beaver likes to stay hidden, but when provoked can unleash a fury so devestating that women and children should not be around. So if we are ever honored with a Beaver sighting please do not be alarmed nor afriad just stand your sidtance and behold the wonder that is the ranting beaver.

Also if you want to know anything about me just ask!


For anyone who happens upon this, please be aware that we will be free flowing. Could be pictures, could be links, could be our very own Ranting Beaver speaking his mind. You just never know. With three of us actually adding to this here, it'll (hopefully) be a free for all. Welcome and we hope you come back and enjoy!